
ān quán biān jì
  • margin of safety
  1. 这便是本杰明·葛拉厄姆所谓的安全边际。

    That is what Ben Graham meant by having a margin of safety .

  2. 这便是本杰明·格雷厄姆所谓的安全边际。

    That is what Ben Gra-ham meant by having a margin of safety .

  3. 经营杠杆度DOL与安全边际系数MRS互为倒数关系,两者都对企业的经营状况起警示作用;③经营杠杆度DOL对销售收入S的函数为单调减函数;

    Between degree of operating leverage DOL and degree of margin of safety MRS are reciprocal ( 3 ) DOL is a monotone minus function to sale income .

  4. 微机光缆通信系统中安全边际的测量

    A Method of Measuring Power Margin in Microcomputer Optical Fiber Communication System

  5. 安全边际是预计销售量(销售额)保本销售量(销售额)差。

    The margin of safety isi the excess of expected sales over breakeven sales .

  6. 简言之,银行业在任何时候都需要留出较大的安全边际。

    In brief , banks need a large margin of safety , at all times .

  7. 这种大量的超额价值在每个交易中创造出一个相当大的安全边际。

    This substantial excess of value creates a comfortable margin of safety in each transaction .

  8. 在上例中,安全边际是5件或20美元。

    In the example above , the margin of safety is 5 units or $ 20 .

  9. 利息有充裕或非常稳定的安全边际保障,同时债券本金亦最安全。

    Interest payments are protected by a large or by an exceptionally stable margin and principal is secure .

  10. 大多数经验丰富的投资人会留10%的安全边际,作为未来房价波动的缓冲。

    Most experienced investors build safety margin of a 10-percent surplus as a buffer against future fluctuations in property values .

  11. 这种个股的安全边际加上投资的分散性,创造出了一个最有吸引力的组合,具有安全性和升值潜力。

    This individual margin of safety , coupled with a diversity of commitments creates a most attractive package of safety and appreciation potential .

  12. 金钱是真实的,股票也真实的&并从此而接受了“安全边际”的原则。

    Money is real to him and stocks are real & and from this flows an attraction to the " margin of safety " principle .

  13. 目前的价格可能不是谷底,但他们给有耐心的投资者提供了安全边际。

    Today 's prices might not be rock-bottom , but they do provide a margin of safety for investors who can afford to be patient .

  14. 投资固定资产1.4亿后,公司经营安全边际直线下降,资产负债率大幅上升,财务风险随之加剧。

    After the 140 million investments in fixed assets , marginal security of operation lowers greatly while the ratio of liability to assets increases enormously , so the financial risk aggravates .

  15. 股息不会受到威胁,但如果安全边际收窄,这两家公司对价值型投资者的吸引力将会减弱,拖累其估值下跌。

    The dividends are not in danger , but if the margin of safety tightens , the two companies ' appeal to value investors will diminish , pulling their valuations down .

  16. 投资于(议价的)廉价证券可保“安全边际”&这就为应对判断错误、决策不精确、运气不佳或者股市及其经济景气荣衰赢得了裕余度。

    Investing in bargain-priced securities provides a " margin of safety " & room for error , imprecision , bad luck , or the vicissitudes of the economy and stock market .

  17. 而这才是巴菲特的独特能力,比别人更善于估量价值和安全边际,更善于等待机遇,他也因此而被称为“奥马哈先知”。

    And that 's the super ability , has a better eye for valuation and margin of safety as well as waiting for the opportunity , also he earned the name " Oracle of Omaha " for this .

  18. 证券分析的策略模式将更加演变为类似于选股的方法,从行业的盈利周期、安全边际、成长空间等方面不断完善,并且能够解决行业结构的不稳定性。

    The strategy model of security analysis will further evolve into an approach similar to security selection , will be continuously improved in different aspects , such as the profit cycle of industry , safety margin , growth space etc. , and the instability of industrial structure can be addressed .

  19. 投资的基本理念是把股票看作企业,有效地利用市场波动,以及寻求安全的边际(余量)。

    The basic ideas of investing are to look at stocks as business , use the market 's fluctuations to your advantage , and seek a margin of safety .

  20. 煤炭企业最佳安全投资的边际分析

    Marginal analysis of best safety investment of coal enterprises

  21. 安全预测在边际投资中应用的研究

    Research on Application of Safety Prediction in Marginal Investment

  22. 企业投入的安全经济效用及边际效用

    Safety Economic Effects and Boundary Effects of Enterprises ′ Investment

  23. 笔者给出了安全效益的新定义,以安全价值和边际效益分析为基础,结合企业安全生产实际,采用FTA法,分析安全所具有的功能与所耗成本的关系。

    The safety benefit is redefined , in which the safety value and analysis of marginal benefits are taken as the basis . Referring to realistic work safety , and by FTA method , the relationship between safety function and cost consumed is analyzed .