
  • 网络Korn Ferry;Korn Ferry International
  1. 几年前,我曾在光辉国际(KornFerry)呆过一天,自称是个猎头。

    A few years ago , I spent a day at Korn Ferry pretending to be a headhunter .

  2. 光辉国际将自己描述成人力资本问题解决办案的首要供应商,而且其它大型公司不会更好。

    Korn Ferry describes itself as The premier provider of human capital solutions and the other big firms are no better .

  3. 高管猎头公司光辉国际(Korn/FerryInternational)副总裁丹尼斯•凯利认为,在未来三到五年内,将会有新的高管职位出现。

    Dennis Carey , vice chairman of executive search firm Korn / Ferry International , believes several new C-Suite titles will be created in the next three to five years .

  4. 1995年感恩节假期期间,威尔逊刚刚从安永会计师事务所(Ernst&Young)加拿大分公司专业发展主管任上提前退休,正在考虑重返教师岗位,突然接到了光辉国际咨询顾问公司(Korn/Ferry)一位猎头打来的电话。

    He had left his job as national director of professional development and was thinking of returning to teaching when he got a call from a Korn / Ferry headhunter during the Thanksgiving Day holiday in 1995 .

  5. 瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)总裁多米尼克•图尔平(DominiqueTurpin)称,其他采取类似行动的咨询机构包括光辉国际(KornFerry)和普华永道(PwC)。

    Other consultancies making similar moves include Korn Ferry and PwC , says Dominique Turpin , president of IMD , the Swiss business school .

  6. 洛杉矶高管猎头兼领导力咨询公司光辉国际(Korn/FerryInternational)美洲区总裁鲍勃·戴蒙(BobDamon)说,在很多领域中,容忍跳槽已经成为新的常态。

    ' The new normal is that movement from job to job is tolerated ' in many fields , says Bob Damon , president of the Americas for Korn / Ferry International , a Los Angeles-based executive-search and leadership-consulting firm .

  7. 猎头公司光辉国际(KornFerry)全球首席运营官斯图尔特卡普兰(StuartKaplan)表示:企业意识到,自己在创造力和问题解决能力方面开始丧失优势。所以,它们开始聘用设计师、工程师和律师。

    Companies realised they were starting to lose their edge in creativity and problem-solving so they started to hire architects , engineers and lawyers , says Stuart Kaplan , global chief operating officer at Korn / Ferry , the executive search firm .

  8. 光辉国际首席执行官加里伯尼森(garyburnison)表示,候选人最好是具备丰富文化经验的高管甚至是董事会成员,特别是在国外生活和工作而且熟悉多国语言。

    Gary burnison , chief executive of Korn / ferry , says broad cultural experience in executive and even board member candidates is extremely desirable especially living and working abroad , and fluency in multiple languages .

  9. 高管猎头公司光辉国际(korn/ferry)驻新德里的董事总经理迪帕克古普塔(deepakgupta)表示,这些学院激烈的入学竞争,一定程度上说明了那些印度经理人之所以成功的原因。

    The competition to gain admission to these institutions helps explain the success of those Indian managers who do make it , says Deepak Gupta , managing director at the executive search firm Korn / ferry , based in New Delhi .

  10. 光辉国际人力顾问公司金·毕夏普:你在做什么啊?

    KIM BISHOP , KORN / FERRY INTERNATIONAL : What are you doing ?

  11. 光辉国际人力顾问公司金·毕夏普:看起来好棒。

    KIM BISHOP , KORN / FERRY INTERNATIONAL : Oh , that looks lovely .

  12. 光辉国际人力顾问公司金·毕夏普:你觉得这样恰当吗?

    KIM BISHOP , KORN / FERRY INTERNATIONAL : Do you think that 's appropriate ?

  13. 光辉国际人力顾问公司金·毕夏普:嗨,理查德,很高兴和你见面。

    KIM BISHOP , KORNIFERRY INTERNATIONAL : Hi , Richard . Good to see you .

  14. 光辉国际人力顾问公司金·毕夏普:要看餐会本身的性质而定。

    KIM BISHOP , KORN / FERRY INTERNATIONAL : It varies based upon the meeting .

  15. 光辉国际人力顾问公司金·毕夏普:请你别这样,理查德!

    KIM BISHOP , KORN / FERRY INTERNATIONAL : Please don 't do that , Richard !

  16. 光辉国际的戴蒙建议,在意识到新工作是一个错误之后要赶紧行动。

    Korn / Ferry 's Mr. Damon recommends moving quickly after realizing a new job is a mistake .

  17. 光辉国际人力顾问公司金·毕夏普:之所以重要是因为你去餐会是有原因的。

    KIM BISHOP , KORN / FERRY INTERNATIONAL : It matters because you 're there for a reason .

  18. 光辉国际人力顾问公司金·毕夏普:我们会花几分钟看菜单。

    KIM BISHOP , KORN / FERRY INTERNATIONAL : You know , we spend a few minutes on the menu .

  19. 光辉国际人力顾问公司金·毕夏普:到现在为止,我们可能一直在闲聊。

    KIM BISHOP , KORN / FERRY INTERNATIONAL : Well , up until now we 've probably been making small talk .

  20. 该排行榜是基于约3800位董事、高管、分析师和行业专家,在由财富和光辉国际集团组织的调查中的投票而得出的。

    The ranking is based on votes from 3800 executives , directors , analysts , and experts in a survey organized by Fortune and Korn Ferry Hay Group .

  21. 猎头公司“光辉国际”(Korn/Ferry)推出的美国公司董事会惯例年度评论是了解公司治理状况的有用指南。

    The annual review of American company board practices by Korn / Ferry , a firm of headhunters , is a useful indicator of the health of corporate governance .

  22. 光辉国际(Korn/Ferry,招聘公司)的艾恩。曼森认为,其中一个因素就是世界仍缺乏经验丰富的石油工程师和地质学家。

    For one thing , the world still does not have as many experienced petroleum engineers and geologists as it needs , says Iain Manson of Korn / Ferry , a recruiting firm .

  23. 新中国外交走过了60年光辉历程,在国际舞台上留下了闪光足迹。

    With a splendid , 60-year diplomatic history , New China has left shining footprints on the international stage .

  24. 众所周知,皇家马德里是世界上最成功的俱乐部之一,它因其豪华的阵容和光辉的战绩蜚声国际。

    The Real Madrid , as known by millions of people , is one of the most dynamic football clubs , which features a bunch of brilliant players and glorious trophies .