
  • 网络branding;MARKETING;Brand marketing
  1. 广告代理公司正逐渐丧失曾经对品牌营销的有力控制。

    Advertising agencies are losing their once-powerful grip on brand marketing .

  2. 加入WTO后,中国服装业已进入了品牌营销时代。

    After China 's entry into the WTO , Chinese garment industry enters an era of brand marketing .

  3. OTC药品品牌营销管理研究

    The Study on the Management of Marketing of OTC Medicine Brand

  4. 而保时捷(Porsche)则享有双重地位&既是跑车厂商,又是豪车品牌营销者。

    Porsche enjoys a dual status as a sports car maker as well as luxury marketer .

  5. 李宁表示,公司签署了一项五年协议,在2016-17年前是中国篮球协会(ChineseBasketballAssociation)的设备赞助商,因此品牌营销和推广支出的费用将大幅上升。

    Li Ning said that it also faced a substantial increase in brand marketing and promotion expenses after it signed a five-year agreement to be the equipment sponsor for the Chinese Basketball Association until 2016-17 .

  6. 通过分析国内保健品市场的营销环境和泰尔制药有限公司的各种产品组合与SWOT战略分析,确定该公司品牌营销之路的选择。

    The author make a strategic selection of Taier Pharmaceutical Company brand marketing operation through a SWOT analysis of industry environment and Taier Pharmaceutical Company 's products combination .

  7. 去年9月,华为聘请IBM的顾问为其新建立的手机业务提供品牌营销方面的建议。手机业务是华为消费产品部门的一部分。去年华为实现销售收入324亿美元,其中消费产品占了21%。

    Last September , Huawei hired consultants from IBM for advice on branding its nascent cellphone business , part of a consumer unit that accounted for 21 % of the company 's $ 32.4 billion in sales last year .

  8. 这也是STCA品牌营销团队在传播微软的当前情况时至关重要的原因。

    Thats why our STCA Brand Marketing team , in particular , is essential-in spreading awareness of Microsofts current state .

  9. 论文结构为四部分:第一部分首先介绍了AAA人寿保险有限公司所处的外部环境和公司现状,提出了品牌营销的重要性和本研究的意义所在,并阐述本文的写作思路和研究方法。

    This thesis mainly contains the following four parts : 1.The exterior circumstance and the present status of AAA Life Insurance Company Limited are introduced before the importance of brand marketing and the value of the research in this thesis are pointed out .

  10. 采用文献资料、分析归纳、专家访谈等方法,分析了NBA品牌营销策略的成功之处,结合CBA品牌营销策略中存在的诸多问题,提出了有关于CBA的品牌营销策略。

    By means of literature 、 analysis and induction 、 interview with the experts , this paper clearly analyzes the marketing strategies which success in NBA , and elaborating the problems of CBA brands marketing strategies , this paper puts forward some brands marketing strategies about CBA .

  11. 这意味着Joyus的成功与否很大程度上取决于品牌营销(及其获得商品的能力,而这两个因素之间的关系,正类似鸡与蛋的关系)。

    That means most of its success or failure will come down to brand marketing ( plus its ability to secure merchandise , which may be a chicken-and-egg game with brand marketing ) .

  12. 啤酒品牌营销,想说爱你不容易

    Beer Marketing , It 's not Easy to Say Loving you

  13. 从以产品和服务营销为主转变为以品牌营销为主;

    The transformation from production and service marketing to brand marketing ;

  14. 搜索技术中心品牌营销是一个今年开始的特别项目。

    This is a special project which started from this year .

  15. 都市报品牌营销战略研究

    The Marketing Strategy Research of Newspaper 's Brand in the City

  16. 长沙威胜电子有限公司品牌营销战略与策略研究

    The Brand Marketing Strategy Research of Changsha Wasion Electronic Company

  17. 国产汽车品牌营销与企业核心竞争力

    Brand Slae Operation of Domestic Motor Vehicle and Enterprise Core Competitive Force

  18. 中国首个大型医院品牌营销研究

    Investigation on brand marketing in China 's first large hospital

  19. 基于消费者行为的房地产品牌营销传播研究

    Research on Consumer Behavior Based Real Estate Brand Marketing Communication

  20. 第五章对广播传媒品牌营销策略进行探讨。

    The fifth chapter explores the strategy of brand promotion .

  21. 第五章是内部策略的研究,其核心内容是工业品技术营销、品牌营销、关系营销。

    Its core content is technical marketing strategies of the industrial product .

  22. 服装企业竞争的核心是品牌营销。

    The brand marketing is competitive kernel of garment company .

  23. 创建文化品牌营销新理念

    New Culture Establishing a New Concept of Cultural Brand Promotion

  24. 旅游市场营销;网络营销;绿色营销;品牌营销。

    Tourist market marketing ; Network marketing ; Green marketing ; Brand marketing .

  25. 长白地开石开拓日本市场品牌营销策略研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy of Expanding " Changbai Dickite " to Japanese Market

  26. 本文第三部分剖析了我国目前民族特色产品在国际品牌营销中遇到的问题;

    It discusses the problems in global branding of Chinese national culture products .

  27. 以顾客资产为导向的服装品牌营销

    A Study on the Fashion Brand Marketing Which Orients Customer ′ s Assets

  28. 浅析卖场设计与服装品牌营销

    Discussion on Stores Interior Design and Garment Brand Marketing

  29. 品牌营销&企业驰骋市场的通行证

    Brand Operation & Enterprise 's Pass in the Market

  30. 服装品牌营销的策略及发展&兼议汉派服装品牌营销对策及发展

    Strategy and Development of the Brand Marketing of Clothing