
  • 网络Awareness;Quality awareness
  1. 为此、本厂不断营造内部的品质环境、提升品质意识、改善生产制程、推广品质运动。

    This end , the factory constantly creating internal quality environment , enhance quality awareness , improvement of production processes , promote quality of movement .

  2. 强化品质意识,提高品牌声誉;

    Strengthen the consciousness of quality , enhance the brand fame ;

  3. 已经下载了,员工品质意识的好坏,也是产品好坏的重要因素之一!

    I think it may be a good text of quality concept !

  4. 树立公路品质意识,加强公路品质建设,成为发展的主题。

    That setting up the quality consciousness of highway and strengthening the quality construction of highway , has become the theme for development .

  5. 公路品质及其意识的思考与提高策略

    Considering on and Improving Tactics for Improving the Highway Quality and Corresponding Consciousness

  6. 此流程需包括将品质及科技意识推广至整个组织内。

    The process shall include the promotion of quality and technological awareness throughout the whole organization .

  7. 得州学校理事会成员皮纳指出:我们希望向他们慢慢灌输谦逊的品质和团体意识。

    We want to instill in them a sense of modesty and a sense of community , said school board trustee Gloria Pena .

  8. 情商对编辑的选择活动有多方面的制约和影响。如不良情绪、不同的意志品质和责任意识,以及人际关系都对编辑活动存在一定的影响和制约。

    EQ , suck as emotion , will quality , responsibility awareness and human relations , all have various restrictions and influences on the editors ' choices .

  9. 所以化学教与学难点的突破是培养学生意志、情感、抗挫折等个性品质及创新意识、创新能力的最佳契机。

    Teacher should grasp this chance to cultivate students ' wills , emotion , resistance of failure , even personal characters and innovation consciousness , and ability also .

  10. 由于项目特点和需要,跨栏运动员的选材,不是某一单方面的择优,而是身体形态、生理机能、身体素质、心理和意志品质,专项意识等多方面的优选。

    Due o the characteristics and demand of the hurdle event , the selection of hurdle runner involves several aspects , such as morphological features , physiological function , physical fitness , mental quality and event sense .

  11. 本论文认为要培养创造性阅读能力,就要注重提升阅读期待心理品质,有意识地培养阅读反思、阅读批判能力。

    This article holds that if we want to develop the ability of creative reading , it is important to promote our mental character of expecting on reading and to train our ability of " thinking and criticizing on reading " consciously .

  12. 基于上述三个方面,高等职业教育《体育与健康》课程在观念选择、目标选择,学生的个性品质、团队意识培养,以及社会化目标、评价与考核目标都要有明确要求。

    Based on the three aspects , there are definite requirement in view selection , objectives selection , personalities of students , cultivation of group consciousness , socialized objectives , evaluation and assessment goals in the course of " P.E and health " .

  13. 思维品质建构与问题意识的培养

    The Development of Mental Quality and Problem Consciousness

  14. 道德自我是个体对自身道德品质的认识或意识。

    Moral self is the self recognition of an awareness of moral qualities of an individual .

  15. 高校科研管理人员应该具备广博的知识结构、高尚的品质和现代科技意识等素质和决策、判断、组织、协调能力等等。

    It holds that the managers should possess qualities as encyclopedical knowledge structure , lofty morality and modern scientific consciousness , etc. , and the abilities to decide , judge , organize and coordinate .