
  • 网络Brand Alert
  1. 基于模糊综合评价的品牌预警系统研究

    Study on Early Warning System of Brand Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  2. 第四,构建了初步的品牌预警指标体系;

    Establish the basic brand forewarning index system .

  3. 第三,对品牌预警管理体系的运行模式、运作流程和主要工作内容进行了分析和探讨;

    Analyze ad discuss the operation mechanism , program and main job of brand forewarning system .

  4. 品牌预警管理研究

    Study on Brand Forewarning Management

  5. 第三,在品牌预警管理过程中,根据品牌危机影响因素,设计了一套房地产品牌安全性指标,运用层次分析法,构建了品牌预警模型。

    The third , during the management of brand alarm , this paper designs a series of security index of real estate brand according to influencing factors of brand crisis , and establishes the model of brand alarm with AHP .

  6. 最后,从宏观、中观和微观三个层面提出完善农产品品牌危机预警系统的建议,为我国农产品品牌安全和持久的生存与繁荣提供保障。

    Finally , the thesis will propose the advices to complete the early warning system for agricultural product brand crisis , which will ensure the security , sustainable survival and prosperity of our national agricultural product brand .

  7. 沃尔沃为福特和它的其他品牌贡献了防撞预警系统、乘客约束技术和其他安全设备。

    Volvo contributes collision warning systems , passenger-restraint technology and other safety equipment used by Ford and its other brands .

  8. 需要企业、行业协会、政府等共同构建地域品牌株连危机的预警机制。

    Hence , it is necessary for enterprises , trade association and the government to establish a forewarning mechanism of infringed crisis on regional brands .

  9. 对我国企业而言,由于其品牌建设和品牌预警方面认识上存在很大误区,导致品牌危机事件频频发生,并越来越成为企业发展过程中的绊脚石。

    Speaking of the enterprise in china , because there are very big erroneous zones in the knowledge of brand construction and early warning , the brand crisis have occurred frequently , which increasingly becomes a stumbling obstacle of the development process of enterprises .

  10. 实事上,品牌危机管理是从品牌危机预警防范到危机后的恢复等一系列活动的总和。

    In fact , brand crisis management includes total activities from brand crisis forewarning to the recovering of the enterprise after the crisis .

  11. 为有效的防范和避免品牌危机的打击,企业应该对现有品牌管理模式进行重构,增加危机预警的职能,构建具有品牌危机预警预控功能的新型品牌管理体系。

    To prevent or avoid the attack of brand crisis , the enterprise should add forewarning function , and finally establish brand forewarning management system .

  12. 从品牌的内涵出发,指出品牌是一个复杂的价值体系,并提出了品牌预警系统模式、品牌预警的指标体系以及品牌风险的判断。

    The paper presented the system model of brand pre-warning , the index system of brand pre-warning and the judgment of brand risk .

  13. 企业应该重视品牌拥挤度,关注企业所有产品的品牌拥挤度状态及其动态变化,并建立品牌拥挤度预警机制。

    First , Car Company should attach importance to the brand congestion , pay close attention to all of their products ' brand congestions , and build brand Congestion warning system .