
  • 网络branding decision;Brand decision;brand strategy
  1. 第四部分进行了案例的讨论与分析,总结出企业并购后进行品牌决策时的经验和不足。

    Part four discusses and analyses some cases , then summarizes the experience and shortage of the brand decision after enterprise M & A.

  2. 角色变量对消费者品牌决策没有显著性影响,而情绪显著影响了消费者品牌决策。

    The effect of role variables on brand decision was not significant , while the effect of emotion on brand decision was significant .

  3. 知觉负性显著影响了消费者品牌决策。

    Perception Negativity had impact notably on consumer brand decisions .

  4. 影响中国企业自主品牌决策的因素分析

    Impact Factors Analysis on Own-brand Decisions of Chinese Enterprises

  5. 品牌决策中的二难选择

    A Dilemma in Brand Policy

  6. 在这部分中,文章着重分析了包装印刷企业的市场营销、品牌决策、公共关系及全员营销等理论知识,这些为后文对纸包装印刷企业的市场营销策略分析打下基础。

    This part reviews the relative theories concerning marketing , brand strategy , public relations and whole-staff-marketing .

  7. 本研究具有较高的学术研究价值和创新意义,为企业进行品牌决策和品牌管理提供了科学依据。

    The program present high-level research value and provided scientific basis for brand manager to make brand planning and brand management .

  8. 消费者品牌决策影响因素研究&基于中国女性化妆品的实证分析

    The Decision Influence Research on Factor of Consumers ' Brand Choosing & Based on the Empirical Analysis of China 's Female Cosmetic

  9. 经济决策的研究最近成为亮点之一,主要包括强互惠合作、风险决策、跨期选择以及品牌决策等方面;

    The studies on economic decision-making attracted many cognitive neuroscientists in the field , which consists of strong reciprocity , risk decision-making , intertemporal choice and brand preference .

  10. 品牌决策是过去四十多年决策研究领域中的一项重要课题。

    Over the past 40 years , brand decision , which refers to consumers ' choice , has been one of the most important issues in the decision research literature .

  11. 随着消费者决策的日趋理性化,消费者在品牌决策、产品决策以及每一购买环节过程中的介入程度正逐渐提高。

    As they are becoming increasingly rational in decision-making , consumers are more and more involved in their decisions about brand and products , as well as every step of their purchasing processes .

  12. 研究发现,独特性需求、心理控制源、人际间影响敏感对中国消费者品牌决策过程中的面子意识具有显著的影响,消费者自信状况是这一影响关系的中介变量。

    The findings show that consumers ' need for uniqueness , desire for control and susceptibility to interpersonal influence have significant influence on face consciousness , in which consumer confidence is the intermediary variable .

  13. 基于博弈论的企业品牌战略决策分析

    Analysis of Enterprises ' Brand Strategy Decision-making Based on Game Theory

  14. 企业品牌延伸决策模型与绩效评价研究

    Business Model of Brand Extension Decision-making and Performance Assessment Study

  15. 认知风格显著影响了消费者对品牌的决策。

    The cognitive style of the consumers had noted influence on brand choice .

  16. 如何科学地进行品牌战略决策是当前国内企业所面临的一项重大课题。

    How to plan and manage brand strategy scientifically is a significant problem which enterprises have to be faced with .

  17. 不考虑品牌延伸决策对原品牌的影响,仅将品牌延伸策略和创立新品牌策略进行比较;

    ( ii ) making a comparison between brand extension strategy and strategy of creating a new brand , with no consideration of the influence that the decision-making of brand extension may have on the original brand ;

  18. 为准确进行城市品牌定位决策,可以根据城市资源的品牌属性强度或者基于目标受众的偏好选取合适的品牌因子。

    To conduct a correct orientation of a city 's brand , appropriate brand factors should be chosen in accordance with the strength of brand attributes of the city 's resources or the inclination of the target citizens .

  19. 而后对几个阶段进行较系统的理论与方法的研究与探讨,在品牌化决策阶段提出运用波特五力模型与要素分层法结合进行决策的方法;

    Then , it carries out systematically theoretic and methodological research and discuss on these stages . On the stage of brand strategy , the method of combining Michael Porter strategic analyzing model and element separation method for strategic decision is brought up ;

  20. 第七部分就品牌化决策、品牌名称决策、品牌战略决策、品牌管理策略等方而对建行公司业务产品品牌建设问题做了一些基本研究。

    From part seven , we can know that brand construction is very important for the development of the corporate business product management of CCB , and want to research these following basic issues : branding decision , brand-name decision , brand-strategy decision , and brand-management strategy .

  21. 应用模糊综合评价法的理论和AHP法,建立了品牌延伸综合决策模型。

    Combined fuzzy mathematical method with the method of AHP , it builds the comprehensive decision making model of brand extension .

  22. 市场份额、品牌及其优化决策

    On Market Share and its Optimized Decision

  23. 品牌延伸的决策研究

    A Study on Decision-making of Brand Extension

  24. 品牌对消费者决策及企业发展的重要性已经得到了学术领域的一致认可,并逐渐成为企业实践中关注的热点。

    The importance of the brand to consumer decision-making and the enterprise development has been approved unanimously .

  25. 其次,本文通过对各种相关理论和丰富案例的研究,提炼出中国品牌国际化战略决策三角模型。

    Secondly , the author sets up a triangle model which refers to decision of strategic importance in Chinese brand internationalization .

  26. 然而,品牌延伸战略决策与许多因素有关,具有了较大的风险性和可变性。

    However , the decision of brand extension strategy is related with different kinds of factors and coped with great risk and variability .

  27. 在本论文中,作者针对已有研究的不足和新产生的问题,在如下方面进行了创新性研究工作:1.研究了多品牌产品定价决策问题。

    With the focus on those existing problems that need further research and the new problems that occurred , in this paper some innovations are made along the following dimensions : 1 . The optimal pricing for various brands within product category in monopoly with one stage .

  28. 从企业战略的高度来看,品牌延伸的决策模式可以分为以下四种:(1)不考虑品牌延伸决策对原品牌的影响,仅考虑新产品能否延伸成功;

    From the perspective of corporate strategy , there are four de-cision-making models in brand extension : ( I ) paying attention to the success of new product in extension , with no consideration of the influence that the decision-making of brand extension may have on the original brand ;

  29. 同时,借鉴消费者决策行为影响因素之间的关系,提出若干假设,并根据在社会学、经济学、心理学应用比较广泛的结构方程(StructuralEquationModel,简称SEM),建立快速时尚品牌消费者的购买决策模型。

    Hypotheses were provided by referring the correlations between factors of consumer purchase decision , and model of consumer purchase decision was built with the help of Structural Equation Model ( SEM ), which is widely used in sociology , economics and psychology .

  30. 这个问题成为研究品牌延伸原理和决策的基本出发点。

    This research is the springboard of brand extension principles and decision-making processes .