
chánɡ zhài nénɡ lì
  • solvency;debt paying ability;debt repayment capabilities;debt servicing ability
  1. 其指标包括盈利比率、偿债能力比率、资产管理比率。

    Their targets , including profitability ratios , solvency ratios , asset management ratios .

  2. 虽然这份计划在流动性方面提供了帮助,但却忽略了希腊是否存在偿债能力问题。

    While it helped with liquidity , it ignored whether Greece had a solvency problem .

  3. TQC需要被取代吗?&介绍一种新的有效质量管理思想现行速动比率不能真实反映企业即时偿债能力

    Does TQC Really Need to be Replaced ? The present quick-moving ratio cannot really reflect the enterprisers ' immediate debt-paying ability

  4. 可实际过程却是伴随极其有限真实调整的融资:欧洲央行在向偿债能力成问题的银行提供资金,相关国家政府和国际货币基金组织(imf)则在向希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙提供贷款。

    What did happen was financing with quite limited true adjustment , through ECB funding of dubiously solvent banks and via lending from other governments and the International Monetary Fund , for Greece , Ireland and Portugal .

  5. 在指标体系中创造性地增加体现企业可持续发展的EVA指标,并使用杜邦分析法综合分析反映企业偿债能力、盈利能力和营运能力的各指标。

    The EVA indicator , embodying the sustainable development of corporation , is added in a creative way , and DuPont Analysis is used to generally analyse the various indicators of the corporate solvency , profitability and operating capacity .

  6. 接着,在实证分析过程中运用因子分析法对因变量企业绩效和控制变量偿债能力分别做了主成分分析,继而提取了两个综合指标F和f2。

    Then , It used the factor analysis method to do principal component analysis for the dependent variable and control variables in the process of empirical analysis , the two composite indicators of F and f2 were extracted from it .

  7. efsf将筹集一个庞大的资金库,以其能够承受的最低利率,支撑那些有偿债能力的国家的新债券的价格。

    The EFSF would raise a large warchest to support the prices of new bonds issued by any sovereign that is solvent , at the lowest rates it can afford to charge .

  8. 会计政策与短期偿债能力。

    Amounting policy and short - term debt - paying ability .

  9. 本应放弃像希腊一样没有偿债能力的纾困措施。

    A bail-out strategy as bankrupt as Greece should be ditched .

  10. 检查员告诉克里斯他的公司无偿债能力时。

    When the inspector told him that his company was insolvent .

  11. 制造业上市公司短期偿债能力评价指标研究

    Study on Evaluation Index of Liquidity in Manufacturing Industry Listed Companies

  12. 短期偿债能力是与流动性密切地联系在一起的。

    The short-term debt-paying ability is connected closely to the liquidity .

  13. 试论企业负债经营偿债能力

    Discussion on Operation in Debt and Debt Paying Ability of Enterprises

  14. 对企业偿债能力的多层次分析

    Multi - Layer Analysis on the Debt Paying Ability of Enterprises

  15. 企业偿债能力分析新探

    The New Research on the Debt Redemption of the Enterprise

  16. 企业偿债能力评价与预测模型

    Evaluation and Prediction Model of Capacity to Pay A Debt for Enterprise

  17. 城市轨道交通项目融资的偿债能力分析

    The Analysis of Debt Paying Ability in Urban Rail Traffic Financing Project

  18. 我国电子业短期偿债能力评价研究

    The Research on Short-Term Liquidity of Our Country Electron Industry

  19. 银行体系正面临严重的资本不足,许多银行失去偿债能力。

    The banking system is severely undercapitalized , with numerous insolvent banks .

  20. 你还需要判定一个国家是否具备可靠的偿债能力。

    You also need to decide whether a country is credibly solvent .

  21. 对医院负债经营偿债能力综合评估模型的探讨

    Discussion on Synthetic Evaluation Model of Ability of Hospital Debt-paying

  22. 浅论施工企业短期偿债能力分析方法

    On Analysis Method of Short-Term Debt-Paying Ability of Construction Industry

  23. 但是西班牙应该依具备偿债能力虽然处境艰难,但有能力偿债。

    But the country should remain solvent miserable but solvent .

  24. 从现金流量表看企业的偿债能力

    Refund Ability Examination Upon the Cash Transaction Rate Table of an Enterprise

  25. 对企业偿债能力评价指标的再思考

    Rethinking of the Evaluation Indexes of Enterprise 's Payment capability

  26. 第四部分,提高偿债能力的对策研究。

    Part IV Research on how to improve debt solvency .

  27. 湖北省收费还贷公路偿债能力研究

    Research on Solvency of Toll Road of Hubei Province

  28. 公立医疗机构负债经营偿债能力分析

    Solvency Analysis for Liability Operation of Public Medical Institutions

  29. 企业短期偿债能力指标的局限性及其修正探析

    On Limitations of Enterprises Short-term Solvency Index and Amending

  30. 浅议企业偿债能力

    A Brief Discussion on the Repayment Capability of Enterprises