
  • 网络Reimbursement Undertaking
  1. 狭义上,所谓信用(credit),是指一种建立在授信人对受信人偿付承诺的信任的基础上、使后者无须付现即可获取商品、服务或货币的能力。

    Narrowly speaking it depends on the basis of the person who give credit to another person and makes the latter one have the ability of getting goods , service , money and do not need to pay cash .

  2. 建设公路、铁路、机场和能源装置的长期项目通常拥有合适的稳定回报,时间周期也与人寿保险或养老保险金的10年、20年或30年的偿付承诺相匹配。

    Lengthy projects to build roads , railways , airports and energy installations often have the right kind of steady returns , with a duration that lines up well with commitments to pay out life assurance or pension policies 10 , 20 or 30 years hence .