
  • 网络exporting;Export Management
  1. 对国际贸易实务课程内容加入出口管理要素的思考

    On adding export management factors to the course of international trade practice

  2. 中国出口管理企业的再定位研究

    Chinese Export Management Company : A Reposition Research

  3. 但是,由于受到美国出口管理法规的限制,我国国内能得到的支持SSL协议的软件安全强度相当脆弱,无法应用于重要场合。

    However , because of the limitation of American export regulations , the security strength of SSL softwares that we can get is fragile , thus these softwares cannot be deployed in critical missions .

  4. 我国钨品生产和出口管理政策研究

    Tungsten Production and Exportation Administration and Policy Research in Our Country

  5. 出口管理实行分类制度。

    Carryout the rule of classification in the management of export .

  6. 加强外贸出口管理工作,建立反倾销预警机制。

    Strengthening exporting management and setting up early warning mechanism of anti-dumping .

  7. 第五章实验动物的进口与出口管理

    Chapter V Administration of the Import and Export of Experimental An animals

  8. 实验动物的进口与出口管理

    Administration of the Import and Export of Experimental Animals

  9. 国际经济新秩序与我国纺织品出口管理

    Adapting the new order of international economy and enhancing the management of our textile export

  10. 纺织品出口管理新办法实施

    New methods for textile export

  11. 野生动植物及其产品的出口管理是中国野生动植物管理的重要组成部分。

    The management of wildlife and its products export is an important part of China wildlife management .

  12. 为加强对轻(重)烧镁出口管理,维护正常的经营秩序,现将有关问题公告如下。

    For the purpose of promoting administration on export of light ( heavy ) burned magnesium , maintaining the normal business order , related matters are now announced as follows .

  13. 从事于国际贸易的中小型出口管理公司如何才能够克服自己在经验和知识资本上的不足,发挥自己的优势?(2)若为中介,则为居间关系;

    How should the mid-small export companies act to overcome their shortage due to experience and knowledge ? ( 2 ) the intermediation relationship , which is established when securities companies act as intermediates ;

  14. 由于技术贸易随着世界经济一体化的加快和全球贸易的急剧发展而日渐频繁,各国也更加重视本国的技术出口管理制度的完善。

    With the development of global economic and international trade , more and more technological export has happened in the world . Every country attaches importance to the improvement of law institutions of the technological export management .

  15. 我国出口退税管理中内部控制制度设计

    Design of Internal Control System in Our Country 's Export-Tax-Refunding Management

  16. 对拉工作面运输巷安全出口顶板管理实践

    Roof Management Practice on Transportation Lane Safety Exports in Opposite Pulling Faces

  17. 全国轴承出口信息管理系统的研制

    Development of the National Bearing Export Information Management System

  18. 出口退税管理的不对称信息分析

    Asymmetric Information Analysis on the Management of Export Rebate

  19. 出口商品管理体制改革也取得新的进展。

    And we have scored new achievements in restructuring export commodities management system .

  20. 由于不对称信息现象的存在使得出口退税管理难以达到优化状态。

    Due to the asymmetric information phenomenon , the management of export rebate cannot be optimized .

  21. 出口退税管理:税企博弈分析与制度优化

    Management on Export Tax Rebate

  22. 纵观这些研究,一是很少有将税收管理风险及风险防范理论引入出口退税管理领域进行研究和讨论的。

    Among these research there are few papers related to the risks in management of Export Rebate .

  23. 配额申请人应当在每年11月1日至11月15日向出口配额管理部门提出下一年度出口配额的申请。

    An applicant of quotas shall apply to the administrative departments of export quotas for the next year between November 1 and 15 of each year .

  24. 最后,在系统总体框架下,配合各项关键技术的使用,开发和实现了外贸出口业务管理系统。

    Finally , the overall framework of the system , with the use of key technologies , development and implementation of the export business management system .

  25. 最后,论文通过借鉴国外出口退税管理的相关经验,提出了完善我国出口退税管理的具体对策。

    Finally , the paper through drawing lessons from foreign export tax rebate management experience , put forward to perfect our country export tax rebate management measures .

  26. 整个软件开发划分为用户管理子系统、业务管理子系统、经营分析子系统、出口单据管理子系统和其他基础内容管理子系统5大软件功能模块。

    The complete package contains five key function modules . These subsystems are user management , business management , business operation analysis , export billing management and other fundamental content managment .

  27. 全面回顾了目前国内外实施野生动植物出口限额管理的状况和取得的成效,对实施限额管理的物种进行了逐一研究与分析;

    Review the international and native quota status and effect at present generally , and carry through the expatiate and analysis of species which have implement export quota management one by one ;

  28. 第四十二条配额持有者未使用完其持有的年度配额的,应当在当年10月31日前将未使用的配额交还出口配额管理部门;

    Article 42 A holder of quotas who has not used up its quotas for the year shall return the unused quotas to the administrative departments of export quotas prior to October 31 of the current year .

  29. 并就其二者的关系,介绍了当前国际贸易结算的主流趋势,其中重点论述了国际贸易结算组合机制所体现的出口信用管理的理念。

    Then , I introduce the mainstream in the current international trade settlement , among which I focus on discoursing upon the combination mechanism of the international trade settlement which embodies the ideas of export credit management .

  30. 针对这些影响,根据公司具体情况提出了相关的解决方案,即合理正视人民币升值、完善出口收汇管理、提高产品利润、利用金融工具规避汇率风险、积极实施走出去战略。

    And about these effects , the article offers the correlative settlement , just as envisage RMB appreciation actively , consummate export remit management , add productions profit , use finance tool and make factory or company in other country .