
  • 网络Distressed Debt;NPL;Bad Bank
  1. 普华永道(PwC)合伙人欧兆邦(TedOsborn)表示,不良债权领域的外国投资者计划未来3年内向中国投资约100亿美元,但四大国有资产管理公司将会发现,它们很难在其中分得一大块蛋糕。

    Ted Osborn , a PwC partner , said the four state asset-management companies ( AMCs ) would find it hard to capture a big chunk of the estimated $ 10bn that foreign distressed debt investors are planning to pour into China over the next three years .

  2. 分界点就是金融部门的不良债权基本得到解决。

    Cut-off point is distressed debt basic solved the financial sector .

  3. 经济周期、WTO与银行不良债权

    Economic Cycle , WTO and Bad debts of Banks

  4. 世界各国银行业都面临着不良债权问题(non-performingloans,NPL),我国的国有商业银行(本文中国有银行指国有商业银行)同样如此。

    The banking industry all over the world is facing the serious non-performing loans ( NPL ), so are China 's banks .

  5. 本文以新一轮经济周期和加入WTO为背景,围绕国有银行巨额不良债权问题,对相关政策及其取向进行了剖析。

    The article probes into the bad debt problem of the state-owned banks , the pertaining policies and their orientation in the turn of the new economic cycle and China 's entry into WTO .

  6. 商业银行金融不良债权主要产生于商业银行的贷款业务。

    Commercial bank NPL arising primarily from the commercial bank lending .

  7. 日本银行业不良债权问题研究

    A Study on Bad Creditor 's Rights of Japan 's Banking

  8. 国有银行的不良债权与清债博弈

    Bad Loans of State Owned Banks and Games of Payment

  9. 不良债权资产价值的估价基础和方法

    Appraisal for Bad Claims The Bases and Approaches for Valuing Bad Claims

  10. 化解环境保护基金不良债权的思路

    How to Eliminate the Harmful Creditor 's Rights in Environmental Protection Funds

  11. 一种解决国有银行不良债权问题的新思路

    A New Thinking about Settling the Bad Claim in the State-owned Bank

  12. 日本银行业自我化解不良债权的困难

    Difficulties of self-eliminating bad creditor 's rights in Japanese banks

  13. 摘要银行不良债权是中日两国面临的共同问题。

    Non-performing bonds are the common issue for two countries .

  14. 不良债权对银行的稳定性影响分析

    Effect Analysis of Bad Debts on Stability of Bank

  15. 基于层次分析的不良债权资产价值评估模型

    Valuation Appraising Model of Bank 's Bad Assets Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

  16. 不良债权处置之解:债务链清算

    Dealing with Bad Credit : Liquidation of Debt Chains

  17. 国有银行不良债权的形成:一种博弈论解释

    Game Theory on the forming of harmful creditor 's rights in national banks

  18. 国有银行和企业间不良债权债务关系的处置

    On the Unhealthy Creditor 's Rights and Debts between State Own Banks and Enterprises

  19. 试论国有投资公司不良债权的调整机制

    On the adjustment system of difficult position of obligatory right in state investment company

  20. 日本90年代发生了严重的金融危机,其主要表现是:不良债权大量增加;

    There was a serious financial crisis in Japan in1990s : increased bad debes ;

  21. 国有企业金融不良债权转让法律问题研究

    Study on the Legal Issues of Bad Financial Creditor 's Right Transfer of State-owned Enterprise

  22. 本文主要讨论付担保不动产不良债权的证券化问题。

    This paper mainly probes into issues of securitisation of debt claim of warranted property .

  23. 日本银行业不良债权的形成、影响及处理分析

    The Analysis of Formation , Influence and Process of the NPL of Japan 's Banking

  24. 不良债权回收率的多层次模糊评估模型

    Evaluating the Recovery Rate of Non - Performing Loans : A method Based on Fuzzy Evaluation

  25. 加速不良债权清理规避应收账款风险

    Measurement to Evade the Venture of Fund Expropriation and Speed up the Liquidate of ill Creditor 's Rights

  26. 不良债权是影响日本经济复苏的重要原因,对不良债权的处理一般有放弃部分债权和追贷两种方法。

    The bad debts are one of the most important reasons that influence the resuscitation in Japan economy .

  27. 日本处理不良债权的对策与方法,具有借鉴作用。

    The strategy and the methods that Japan takes to clean up bad loans can be used for reference .

  28. 环境保护基金在投资中由于体制等方面的原因会产生不良债权。

    The harmful creditor 's rights may emerge when environmental protection funds were invested because of the imperfective system .

  29. 投资级信用的信用债券以及不良债权甚至遭受了比股票更大的下滑。

    Credit bonds for investment grade credit as well as distressed debt have suffered greater falls than even equities .

  30. 又是一起复古事件,人们正在制定计划为德克夏的最差资产创建一个“不良债权”。

    In another throwback , plans are afoot to create a " bad bank " for Dexia 's worst assets .