
  • 网络Guaranteed creditor's rights;Guaranteed Obligations;guarantee bonds;guarantee greditor
  1. 破产中的有保证债权

    Secured creditors ' right in Bankruptcy proceedings

  2. 答案是:债权国只有促成对全球国际收支平衡的调整,才能保证债权的安全。

    The answer is : only if the creditor countries facilitate adjustment in the global balance of payments .

  3. 权利质押是担保法律制度中社会财产迅速权利化和证券化的体现,是保证债权最终安全、方便、快捷实现的主要通道。

    Right 's pledge is one way to make social property existing with right and negotiable securities in guaranteed system of law .

  4. 物权抵押制度是一个以物权保证债权实现的司法制度。

    The practice of holding property right in pledge is a legal practice of using property right for the protection of obligatory right .

  5. 说明了银行债权系主权利、根本性权利,而抵押权和保证债权都是担保权,系从权利。

    Description of the main creditor banks of the rights , fundamental rights , and mortgages are secured creditors and guarantee the right of the right .

  6. 与一般所附期限不同,该期限限定了债权人主张保证债权的始期与终期,是一个含有始期与终期的期间。

    The difference of it from the normal additional term is that it has a beginning and an end , which makes it a closed period .

  7. 用电客户交纳电费信用与风险评定是供电企业保证电费债权安全性和有效性的重要手段。

    Credit and risk rank evaluation for consumer paying electric power charges is an important means to guarantee the creditor 's rights security and validity for power enterprises .

  8. 股票质押的目的主要在于保证债权人的债权的实现。

    The purpose of stock pledge lies in guaranteeing the rights of creditors .

  9. 为保证银行信贷债权的顺利实现,银行应改善经营管理,提高自身的防范能力。

    To sure the bank s credit of realization easily , the bank should reform management and improve the ability of safeguard .

  10. 代位执行制度和代位权制度都是为了保证债权人的债权得以实现,其立法宗旨是一致的,所以两者有着密切的联系。

    Their purposes of lawmaking are to guarantee that the debt will be paid which owes the creditor , so they have the close contacts .

  11. 定金法律制度是合同担保制度的一种,其主要作用在于保证主合同债权的顺利实现。

    The legal system of deposit is one of contract 's guarantee systems ; its main function is to grantee the realization of the primary contract .

  12. 质押背书是设立票据质押的必要条件,其目的是为特定的债务履行设立担保,以保证债权人实现债权。

    The pledge of endorsement is necessary to set up a bill pledge , its purpose is to fulfill the creation of security for a particular debt to ensure that the creditors to achieve debt .

  13. 只有约定的条件与期限都得到满足,债权人才能向保证人主张保证债权。

    Only when both the condition and the term are satisfied , the creditor had the actual right to request the guarantor to implement the guaranty obligation and accept the guarantor 's performance .

  14. 保证合同生效后,保证债权的诉讼时效期间开始计算,适用普通诉讼时效的规定,与保证期间无直接联系。

    After the guaranty contract comes into force , it puts a beginning to the limitation of action of the guaranty contract , which should applies the normal limitation of action and have no direct connection with the guaranty term .

  15. 在保证期间内,债权人因不可抗力或意外事故无法向保证人主张保证债权,保证期间中止。

    During the guaranty term , if there is fortuitous accident or accidental force that make it impossible for the creditor to claim his guarantied interests , the guaranty term should be suspended .

  16. 把保证的目的建立在当债务人不履行债务时,保证履行其债务或保证债权人的债权实现上会造成一系列理论和实践上的问题。

    Establishing the goal of guarantee on " if the debtor fails to pay a debt ' , the guarantor shall ' perform the debt ' or ensure ' the realization of creditors ' rights ' " can create a series of problems .

  17. 保证期间与保证债务诉讼时效的功能本旨上是一致的,都是为了督促债权人及时向保证人行使债权。但是两者作用的阶段不同,因此并不冲突。

    Such two terms have the same function , which is to urge the creditor to claim the rights to the guarantor . However the stages of such two terms play role are different , they are not in conflict .