
  • 网络Paul Volcker;Paul Volker
  1. 但是美联储前主席,现任白宫顾问保罗·沃尔克(PaulVolcker)不赞同。

    But former Fed Chairman , now White House adviser , Paul Volcker disagreed .

  2. 沃尔福威茨正式挑选美国联邦储备局(FederalReserve)的前主席保罗·沃尔克(PaulVolcker)对调查人员进行调查;

    Mr Wolfowitz duly picked Paul Volcker , an ex-chairman of the Federal Reserve , to investigate the investigators ;

  3. 历任当代央行行长中,或许最知名的是艾伦·格林斯潘(ALANGREENSPAN),但最有影响力的则是保罗·沃尔克。

    ALAN GREENSPAN may be the most famous central banker of the modern era , but Paul Volcker has been the most influential .

  4. 因此,1979年7月总统卡特任命保罗·沃尔克为联邦储备委员会主席。

    As a result , in July 1979 Paul Volcker was nominated by President Carter as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board .

  5. 美联储的前主席保罗·沃尔克曾经把金融市场比喻成在各种偶然的风暴风雨飘摇的大海。

    FORMER chairman of the Federal Reserve , Paul Volcker , once compared financial markets to a sea that was prone to occasional storms .

  6. 在上周安达信宣布与司法部的谈判破裂后,前美联储主席保罗·沃尔克在安达信的地位已经受到了动摇。

    Volcker 's own status as Andersen 's prospective leader is in question after the collapse of settlement talks with the Justice Department last week .

  7. 保罗·沃尔克发表了类似见解:我认为他具有敏锐的洞察力,虽然有时候他不能像我希望的那样清晰地表达出来。

    Paul Volcker delivered a similar verdict : I think he has a valid insight which is not always expressed as clearly by him as I might like .

  8. 但是,最早提出要设立这项规则的前美联储主席保罗·沃尔克警告称,这种操作太过冒险,同时也给金融稳定性和纳税人带去风险。

    But former Federal Reserver Chairman Paul Volcker who first conceived the rule , warned the practice was too risky and pose dangers to financial stability and tax payers .

  9. 保罗·沃尔克通过他在纽约的办公室发表的声明说:我们这个委员会曾经设想了各种我们能够做和不能够做的情况。

    " We ( the board ) set out a number of conditions that would dictate what we could or could not do ," Volcker said in a brief statement issued by his New York office .