
  1. 保证金交易制度是期货市场的一个重要特征。

    The trade system of the future margin is an important characteristic of the future market .

  2. 股指期货的保证金交易制度具有极大的杠杆作用,可以使投资者以较低的成本获得较高的收益。

    Margin trading system has great leverage , which make it possible for the investors to gain higher return with a lower cost .

  3. 日本参考美国的保证金交易制度并根据日本当时特殊情况独创了证券金融公司这样一个具有垄断性质的机构。

    Referring to the margin trade system of America , Japan originally set up the securities finance company such a monopolistic organization , in according with the special circumstance at that time .

  4. 构建我国的外汇保证金交易法律制度初探

    Structure Foreign Currency of Our Country Caution Money Business Legal System