
  • 网络Hyman Minsky;Hyman Minksy;Hyman P Minsky;Hyman P·Minsky
  1. 逝于1996年的美国经济学家海曼·明斯基(HymanMinsky)认为债务危机是资本主义制度所固有的,且危机具有周期性,这种说法自96年来接受面越来越广。

    Hyman Minsky , an American economist who has become more fashionable since his death in1996 , argued that these debt crises were both inherent in the capitalist system and cyclical .

  2. 海曼·明斯基(HymanP.Minsky)是当代研究金融不稳定性的权威。

    Hyman P Minsky is the authority of the financial instability of contemporary research .