
  • 网络shipping lanes;CY-CY
  1. 法国国防部长HervéMorin担心这些新的潜艇将会潜伏在地区边缘和拥挤的海运航线上。

    France 's defence minister , Herv é Morin , worries about all the new submarines that will soon be lurking in the region 's shallow and crowded shipping lanes .

  2. 他们希望改变海运航线,这样船舶产生的噪音就不会覆盖对鲸鱼很重要的海域。

    They hope to get shipping lanes moved so that the noise pollution ships create will not overlap with areas most important to the whales .

  3. 天津也有去大连和韩国及日本港口的海运航线。

    Tianjin also has sea passenger routes with Dalian and other ports in South Korea and Japan .

  4. 从亚洲到欧洲的关键海运航线的货运量相应下降,则直到去年10月才出现。

    A comparable falloff in sea freight volumes on the key Asia to Europe route took until October to appear .

  5. 菲律宾的声明标志着南中国海紧张局势的又一次升级。这片海域汇集着全球至关重要的海运航线。

    The Philippine claim marks the latest escalation of tensions in the South China Sea , the location of crucial global shipping routes .

  6. 亚丁湾是世界上最繁忙的海运航线之一,在2008年是索马里海盗的主要目标。

    The Gulf of Aden , one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world , was the main target of Somali pirates in 2008 .

  7. 而北极航线的开通将有效缓解这些传统海运航线的压力,保障船舶的安全通行。

    And the opening of the Arctic route will effectively relieve the pressure of the traditional shipping routes , ensure the safety of the ships to traffic .

  8. 中国最大的军事资产事实上美国的海军。正是美国海军确保了海运航线安全,保障中国的物资畅通无阻。

    China 's greatest military asset is actually the United States Navy , which keeps the sea lanes safe for China 's resources and products to flow freely .

  9. 集装箱港口运输系统是一个复杂巨系统,涉及集装箱腹地、集装箱集疏运、集装箱港口、海运航线、船舶等诸多要素。

    Container port transportation system is one complicated huge system , which involves container hinterland , collect & dredge transportation , container port , shipping line , container vessel , etc. .

  10. 中韩贸易的快速发展与贸易量的增加,必然要求海运业增加中韩航线上的运力。

    With the rapid development and growth of trade between China and Korea , it is necessary for the marine industry to increase the transport capacity of China-Korea course .

  11. 据统计,目前国际贸易量的80%左右由海运完成,因此,作为海运航线的起点和终点的港口,其重要性日益突显。浅析气象定线在远洋运输中的应用

    According to statistic , 80 % of the present international trade is carried by ocean transportation . The Application of Weather Routeing in Ocean Transportation

  12. 如果把海运系统中的每个港口抽象为一个节点,海运航线抽象为边,则可以把海运系统抽象表示为一个复杂网络。

    The shipping system can be regarded as a complex network where ports are abstracted as nodes and shipping routes as links .

  13. 随着海运事业的发展,海运从业人员的增加,作为风险规避中的一项重要参考因素&海运航线及航线距离成为业内人士需要掌握的重要资料。

    With the development of maritime transport and the increasing of the number of the person engaged in maritime , maritime route and route distance , which is an important reference factor in risk aversion , become very important .