
  • 网络maritime injunction
  1. 中国海事强制令制度创新与完善的法律研究

    Study on Innovation and Perfection of China 's Maritime Injunction System

  2. 英国冻结禁令制度和中国海事强制令制度之比较

    The Comparison of Freezing Injunction of Britain with Maritime Injunction of China

  3. 海事强制令的限制适用条件

    On the Limited Condition for Issuance of a Maritime Mandatory Order

  4. 完善海事强制令制度的思考

    Research on Perfecting the System of Maritime Mandatory Order

  5. 从海事强制令谈建立民事诉讼行为保全制度

    Establishing the Reservation of Behavior in Civil Procedure Law In Perspective of Maritime Injunction

  6. 在第2章论述了玛瑞瓦禁令及其对海事强制令的影响,主要包括玛瑞瓦禁令的由来、适用范围、特点、目标;

    Chapter 2 are mainly about the origin , application , characteristics , objectives ;

  7. 海事强制令制度的建立开创了我国行为保全的先河。

    The establishment of the Maritime Injunction was unprecedented in China 's preservation of behaviors .

  8. 发布世界范围的海事强制令。

    To issue worldwide maritime injunction .

  9. 在第5章重点论述了海事强制令制度,主要包括设立海事强制令的理论和实践依据;

    Chapter 5 consists of mainly : the theoretical and practical grounding in the establishment of the Maritime Injunction ;

  10. (三)况紧急,不立即作出海事强制令将造成损害或者使损害扩大。

    In case of emergency , failure to make a maritime injunction immediately will cause damage or expand damage .

  11. 另外,在以前的理论研究中,很少有学者将玛瑞瓦禁令即现在的冻结禁令与海事强制令进行系统的比较研究。

    In addition , among the former theoretical research , few scholars compared Mareva injunction i.e. freezing injunction now with maritime injunction systematically .

  12. 本章主要讨论了英国玛瑞瓦禁令的正当性,从正当性视角出发,将其与我国的海事强制令进行了比较,并进而分析了海事强制令正当性问题。

    This chapter discusses the legitimacy of Mareva Injunction which is compared with maritime injunction in China from the view point of legitimacy .

  13. 本文也对海事强制令的性质作了一定程度的分析,并确定其性质为行为保全。

    The paper has also dealt certain analysis on the nature of Maritime Enforcement Order , and has concluded that its nature is act preservation .

  14. 海事强制令为我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》所独有的海事保全制度。

    Maritime Injunction is solely stipulated by Maritime Procedure Law of the People 's Republic of China as a kind of preservation of maritime claims .

  15. 海事强制令的产生适应了海事诉讼的特殊需要,它开创了我国诉讼程序法上行为保全的先河。

    The production of maritime injunction adapted itself to the special need of admiralty adjudication and it initiated a precedent of action preservation in China .

  16. 在海事强制令的司法实践部分详细论述了申请海事强制令的特殊要件及程序。

    In the part of judicial practice of maritime injunction , the author expounds on the special important conditions and procedures that the claimant should observe .

  17. 因此对我国海事强制令制度进行理论上的探讨以对该制度提出予以完善的立法建议具有相当重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of great importance that we discuss the maritime injunction in theory and then put forward some legislative suggestions in order to improve it .

  18. 在本论文的第三章,笔者对冻结禁令和海事强制令制度作了详细的比较,分析了冻结禁令和海事强制令的联系和区别。

    In chapter three of this paper , the author compares the freezing injunction with the maritime injunction in detail and draws the connections and differences between them .

  19. 《海诉法》因其涉外性,从国外借鉴引进了许多法律制度,其中最引人注目的是海事强制令制度。

    Due to the involvement of foreign elements , the MPL introduced some foreign legal systems , among which the highlighted one is the system of maritime injunction .

  20. 如何使海事强制令与海事担保,海事请求保全以及证据保全的规定更好的衔接,达到几种保全之间的合理转化等等。

    How to make full cooperation between a maritime injunction and the other correlative systems , such as maritime security , preservation of maritime claims and preservation of maritime evidence .

  21. 利害关系人对海事强制令提出异议,海事法院经审查,认为理由成立的,应当裁定撤销海事强制令。

    If an interested party lodges an objection to a maritime injunction , the maritime court shall order to cancel the maritime injunction if it deems the causes are tenable through investigation .

  22. 海事强制令制度是我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》中所确立的一项诉讼法律制度,是我国法学工作者集体智慧的结晶。

    The system of Maritime Enforcement Order , which is the collective crystallization of our country 's lawyers , is an article of litigation law institution that is established upon Maritime Litigation Special Procedures Law .

  23. 作为一种我国独创的诉讼法律制度,海事强制令制度的理论仍存在许多空白,必将阻碍这种诉讼法律制度在实践中的应用。

    As a litigation law institution originated in our country , the theories of the system of Maritime Enforce Order still leaves many blanks to be filled in , which will definitely block its applications in practice .

  24. 在司法实践和理论研究的双重推动下,我国立法先后设立了海事强制令、诉前停止侵权行为等具有行为保全性质的制度。

    In judicial practice and theoretical study of double promotion , our legislation has set up a " maritime injunction ", " stop the violations before litigation ," and so has the behavior of the system of nature preservation .

  25. 因此,笔者拟通过对两种制度进行比较以得出二者的联系和区别,尤其是冻结禁令制度值得我国借鉴的优点,继而提出完善海事强制令制度的立法建议。

    So the author plans to draw the connections and differences between these two systems , especially the advantages of freezing injunction that worth learning from for China , and then make the legislative suggestions for improving maritime injunction .

  26. 通过对海事强制令制度的定义、性质、意义分析及与其他相关制度的比较,我们可以对这个全新的法律制度有个初步的认识。

    Through a careful analysis of the definition , nature and significance of maritime injunction system and an in-depth comparison with other similar systems in this dissertation , we can get a general understanding of this newly adopted system .

  27. 同时由于海事强制令制度是一种新创的诉讼法律制度,还未经过实践的检验,所以其中仍存在一些不足之处,阻碍海事强制令的适用及其理论发展。

    Meanwhile Maritime Enforcement Order Institution , which is newly established , has not been testified in practice , in it there are many shortages which block its appropriateness and theory development , thus rectification opinions and discussions of its shortages are put forward in the paper .

  28. 究其实质,中国海事诉讼法中的海事强制令属于行为保全。

    The nature of maritime injunction is reservation of behavior .

  29. 在诉讼需要的推动下,我国海事领域、知识产权领域建立了海事强制令和诉前停止侵权行为制度,开始了我国行为保全的率先试验。

    Under the promotion of the litigant need , the maritime obligatory order and stopping an injurious act before action have been established respectively in the maritime domain and the territory of intellectual property , which are the earliest experiment of preservation of act in our county .

  30. 从海事诉讼法的立法体例上看来,海事强制令与海事请求保全,海事证据保全并列,形成行为、财产、证据三种海事保全制度,一起构建了我国海事诉讼法较为完整的保全体系。

    According to the legislative structure of MPL , maritime injunctions together with preservation of maritime claims and preservation of maritime evidence constitute the preservative system in respect of actions , property and evidence in MPL .