
  • 网络asymmetric regulation
  1. 二是规制内容体系的完善,重点是要建立包括激励性规制、不对称规制、反垄断规制与社会性规制在内的四位一体的规制体系。

    Second is completing the content system , with the key of building quaternity , that is , incentive regulation , asymmetric regulation , anti trust regulation and social regulation .

  2. 非平权法对市场信息不对称的规制

    Regularization of Non-equal Right Law to Market Asymmetric Information

  3. 对信息不对称的规制和对规制者的规制是当前需要加强的重要方面。

    As for the issue of information asymmetry and regulation to policy maker , they are the key point of present work .

  4. 政府在规制自然垄断企业的过程中,由于二者之间的信息不对称,规制合约往往是不完备的。

    In the regulatory process , the contracts are often imperfect because of the asymmetric information between the government and the regulated natural monopoly firms .

  5. 在应用这个方法的过程中,本文重点考虑了信息不对称、规制俘虏、寻租问题、规制滞后、补贴成本、产品质量以及安全等问题。

    The paper lays stress on the problem of information asymmetry , regulatory capture , rent seeking , regulatory lag , subsidy cost , product qualities and safeties .

  6. 保险契约信息不对称的法律规制

    Legal Regulation on Information Inequality of Insurance Contract

  7. 自然垄断产业中,由于规制机构与被规制企业之间存在着信息不对称,价格规制政策的实施效果受到制约,而制度背景和经济发展程度是设计一个适合国情的规制定价机制必须考虑的前提因素。

    Because of information asymmetry between the regulatory agencies and the regulated enterprises in natural monopoly industries , price regulation policies have simply attained limited effects . Institution background and economic development level should be considered as premises of a reasonable regulatory pricing mechanism .

  8. 目前我国住宅市场存在严重的信息不对称,如何进行规制引起多方关注。

    Currently housing market in China exist serious asymmetric information .

  9. 论信息不对称的经济法规制

    The Economic Law 's Restriction on the Asymmetric Information

  10. 价格歧视、不对称竞争与不对称规制&以电信市场单向携号转网规制政策为视角

    Price Discrimination , Asymmetric Competition and Regulation & From the Perspective of " One-way Number Portability "

  11. 由于参与规制博弈的各方的目标函数不一致,并且由于参与方之间固有的信息不对称,传统的规制定价方法不能给被规制者提供足够的激励使其提高自身绩效。

    Just as the object function belonging to the players are different and the information is asymmetric , the classic regulation pricing cannot provide the regulated enough incentive to improve their performance .