
  • 网络Violent demolition;forced demolition;Forced relocation;Idemolished
  1. 暴力拆迁现象已经成为当前严重的社会问题。

    Violent demolition has become a serious social phenomenon nowadays .

  2. 暴力拆迁是严重危害和谐社会建设的恶性暴力事件,成为国民极力声讨的对象。

    Violent demolition is serious harm to the construction of Harmonious Society , which is national denounce object .

  3. 总之,《阿凡达》是一部讴歌钉子户抗击暴力拆迁的成功典范。

    ' In one word , Avatar is a movie celebrating the nail house owners'successful efforts to oppose the demolition crews .

  4. 北京市酒仙桥危改方案在当下积极构建社会主义和谐社会,相对于哪些暴力拆迁事件有许多值得关注的地方。

    There is a lot worthy of attention for Beijing " Jiuxianqiao " repair program in building a socialist harmonious society , opposed to the demolition by violence .

  5. 而近年来暴力拆迁、暴力反拆迁等事件引起了社会公众对城市拆迁的普遍关注,学术界也在不断探讨和分析城市拆迁中的问题及其对策。

    And in recent years violence relocates , violence against demolition attracted the public attention to city demolition , and academia have been constantly exploring and analyzing the problems caused and its countermeasures .

  6. 实践中,被拆迁人在行政与民事双重力量压迫下居于被动的弱势地位,这导致野蛮拆迁、暴力拆迁时有发生,甚至演变成严重的拆迁冲突。

    In practice , the house owners are in the passive vulnerable position of double power under the executive and the civil oppression , so the phenomena of brutal demolition and violence relocation have frequently occurred , which even develops into serious conflict of demolition .

  7. 制度的缺陷之下暴力反抗拆迁的事件频繁发生,矛盾不断升级。

    In such a system defects , incidents of violence against occurs very frequently , conflict escalation .

  8. 比如2005年河北定州暴力征地拆迁事件,政府在没有相关征地手续情况下,强行征地,遭到了村民强烈抵抗,政府拆迁工作人员和农民发生械斗,造成6人死亡,数十人受伤。

    For instance 2005 in Hebei province violence land expropriation and housing removal incident , the government does not have relevant land requisition formalities cases , confiscation , by the villagers strong resistance , the government staff and farmer happened gratifying , killing six people and dozens injured .

  9. 更为甚者,各种暴力冲突在拆迁过程中上演,暴力拆迁,被拆迁人的暴力反抗,这些暴力拆迁所引发的极端案例每天都在上演。

    Even worse , there are some kinds of violence performed in the course of demolition , the violence demolition ; these extreme cases are staged every day .