
  1. 2003年中国十大暴利行业

    Ten Sudden Huge Profits Trades of China in 2003

  2. 随着我国传媒产业特征的凸显和实践的推动,有专家分析,传媒可能是中国最后一个暴利行业。

    With the industrial features of the media emerging , experts say the media industry may be the last one with colossal profits .

  3. 据说房地产业造就的百万富翁比任何行业都多,在社会评选的“暴利行业”中,房地产业总是一举夺魁。

    Allegedly trained millionaire real estate industry is more than any in the social selection " profiteering industry ," the real estate is always at one stroke earned them .

  4. 随着中国的数亿劳动力从农村移居城市,房地产多年来一直是暴利行业,在全国范围内掀起了大规模的建房热潮。

    Years of easy money have fueled a massive construction boom across the country , as hundreds of millions of workers have migrated to the cities from the countryside .

  5. 尤其是2003年,出版业在国内十大暴利行业中排名第四,这充分表明它的读者诚信已开始面临着前所未有的危机。

    Especially in 2003 , the publishing ranks the fourth in the trade of the ten major sudden huge profits at home , which indicates that its readers has already begun to face the unprecedented crisis sincerely .

  6. 被喻为第四产业的媒介,同时被公认为21世纪最后一个‘暴利行业’,就在其产业属性也逐渐彰显的过程中,他们开始认真地在自身的责任与发展之间寻求平衡。

    The media was so called " the forth industry " and " the most profitable industry of 21-century " , during the process of outstanding industry attribute appeared , they also begin to find balance between obligation and development .

  7. 虽然电视剧市场被认为是中国在21世纪最后的一个暴利行业,但从电视连续剧的生产、消费及产销关系来看,国产电视剧的产业化程度仍然很低。

    Although the film and TV market is regarded as Chinese last " sudden huge profits " in the 21st century , the Industrialization degree of TV play is rather low judging from the production , consumption and the relationship between production and selling .

  8. 动画,这个被外界称作最后一个产生暴利的行业,从被限制到逐步开放的过程中,无疑充满了巨大的商业诱惑。

    Animation , it was called " the last generated outside , from the industry profits " is limited to gradually open process , is filled with huge commercial temptation .