
bào lì
  • huge profits;excessive profit;sudden huge profits;an exorbitant profit;staggering profits;quick profit;extravagant profits
暴利 [bào lì]
  • [staggering profits] 用不正当手段在短时间内获得的巨额利润

  • 牟取暴利

暴利[bào lì]
  1. 2003年中国十大暴利行业

    Ten Sudden Huge Profits Trades of China in 2003

  2. 虽然电视剧市场被认为是中国在21世纪最后的一个暴利行业,但从电视连续剧的生产、消费及产销关系来看,国产电视剧的产业化程度仍然很低。

    Although the film and TV market is regarded as Chinese last " sudden huge profits " in the 21st century , the Industrialization degree of TV play is rather low judging from the production , consumption and the relationship between production and selling .

  3. 政府对某些行业征收暴利税。

    The government imposed a windfall tax on some industries .

  4. 物主靠压榨农民而赢得暴利。

    The owner is making huge profits at the expense of downtrodden peasants

  5. 苹果取消了香港和澳门地区一直以来实行的免费退货政策,此举显示了苹果公司打击黄牛靠着新发布的机型谋取暴利的决心。

    Apple has scrapped1 its longstanding free-of-charge return policy in Hong Kong and Macao , in a sign of the tech giant 's determination to deter2 scalpers from making a quick buck3 on its newly launched handsets .

  6. 填补赤字所需的大部分资金将来自储备金ReserveFund,它是由石油暴利税收入所建两只基金中的一只。

    Most money to cover the deficit would come from the Reserve Fund , one of two funds consisting of windfall oil revenue .

  7. 此项暴利税将适用于所有银行和建房互助协会,其中包括在英国运营、在整个欧盟(eu)地区都设有分支机构的企业。

    The windfall tax will apply to all banks and building societies , including groups that operate in the UK under a European Union branch system .

  8. 影子财相乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)拒绝取消他自己提出暴利税方案,并要求银行放弃税损。

    George Osborne , shadow chancellor , is refusing to rule out his own windfall tax and demanding that banks forgo their tax losses .

  9. 但是,官方的中国中央电视台(CCTV)指控星巴克在华暴利坑人,咖啡价格比美国高出大约三分之一。

    But China Central Television , the official state broadcaster , has accused it of swindling consumers by charging about a third more than it does in the US .

  10. 众议院金融服务委员会主席巴尼弗兰克(barneyfrank)表示,潜在的牟取暴利行为,可能是为了稳定金融体系而必须付出的代价之一。

    Barney Frank , chairman of the House Financial Services Committee , said the potential profiteering may be part of the price for stabilising the financial system .

  11. 智能手机的暴利时代结束了,赚钱变得越来越困难。IDC预测,智能手机市场的年增长率到2017年将降至18.4%,过去三年的平均增长率为46.5%。

    The easy money is gone , and profits will be harder to come by . IDC forecasts the smartphone market to grow at 18.4 % per year to 2017 , after averaging 46.5 % over the last three years .

  12. 现有体系下,专业资料图书馆为使用在线数据库每年支付高达5万美元。该体系的批评者将高昂的成本归咎于里德爱思维尔和Springer等公司的暴利行为。

    Critics of the current system , under which research libraries pay up to $ 50,000 annually to use online databases , tend to blame profiteering by companies such as Reed Elsevier and Springer for this cost .

  13. 房地产暴利的财务真相

    Financial truth behind the windfall profit in the real estate industry

  14. 资本家正从私人占有制中获得暴利。

    The capitalists are reaping rich harvest from their monopolistic ownership .

  15. 他们在高档黄金饰品中掺假以牟取暴利。

    They adulterated the high-quality gold ornaments to reap fabulous profits .

  16. 投机商供应短缺时牟取暴利者。

    One who makes excessive profits on goods in short supply .

  17. 房地产开发企业并未出现普遍的暴利行为;

    Sudden huge profit does not appear in the estate development .

  18. 这些暴利的收入是房产泡沫的根源。

    The excess profits incurred are the root of real estate bubbles .

  19. 这几家银行既未占据垄断地位,也没有赚得暴利。

    These banks neither enjoy a monopoly position nor earn excessive profits .

  20. 中国对此暴利贸易的垄断被强制终止

    And China 's stranglehold on this lucrative trade was over

  21. 英国政府正考虑开征一项奖金暴利税。

    The UK government is now toying with a windfall bonus tax .

  22. 不过,开征暴利税将很难做到公平、可行。

    But making any windfall tax fair and feasible will be tough .

  23. 但是这些暴利是不是带来了标准的下降?

    But did the fat fees lead to a drop in standards ?

  24. 谋求暴利的投机商和食品大公司的参与,

    Add in certain speculators and food conglomerates aiming for higher profits ,

  25. 追逐暴利与漠视人情同步的时代。

    The times of steep profits and shallow relationships .

  26. 这家药物公司被指控从爱滋病危机中牟取暴利。

    The pharmaceutical company has been charged with profiteering from the AIDS crisis .

  27. 央行取消房屋预售建议能否终结房产暴利?

    The central bank canceled the pre-sale housing proposals can end property profiteering ?

  28. 暴利牟取论:我能从中获得什么好处?

    Profiteering : What can I gain from this ?

  29. 合作建房能不能终结房地产市场的暴利?

    Cooperative Housing can end real estate market profiteering ?

  30. 暴利时代终结,市场竞争愈演愈烈。

    Profits end times and market competition intensified .