
  • 网络copyright industry
  1. 版权产业是一个朝阳产业。

    Copyright industry is a ' sunrising industry .

  2. 论版权产业的行政指导

    Administrative Guidance in Copyright Industry

  3. 衡量版权产业的经济指标包括:对国内生产总值(GDP)的增加值;

    Copyright industries'contribution to economy is measured by three indicators : value-added to GDP ;

  4. 美国版权产业所取得的巨大成就与其不断完善的版权保护制度密不可分。

    The great accomplishment achieved by the US copyright industry is closely related to its continually improving copyright protection system .

  5. 著作权质押作为著作权利用的重要形式,正日益成为版权产业融资的有效途径。

    As an important way to use copyright , copyright pledge is becoming an effective approach for financing in copyright industry .

  6. 放眼世界,创意产业、文化产业、版权产业等提法常见于媒体,一些专家学者也对此问题发表了真知灼见。

    World , creative industries , cultural industries , copyright industries formulation common in the media , some experts and scholars on the issue were also insightful .

  7. 世界知识产权组织制定了一种方法,用于调查基于版权产业在创造附加值、就业和外贸方面所作出的经济贡献。

    WIPO has developed a methodology for surveying the economic contribution of the copyright-based industries , in terms of generation of value added , employment and foreign trade .

  8. 版权产业开创了国际贸易的新领域,改变了传统的国际贸易增长方式,在国际贸易中具有重要地位。

    Compared with traditional international goods trade , the copyright industries are significantly regarded as a new domain of international trade and the driving-force for the development of international trade .

  9. 版权产业是美国文化产业中的核心产业,版权制度在对美国文化产业的作用方面也处于核心地位。

    The copyright industry is the key to the cultural industry of the USA , and the copyright system has also the key status in the cultural industry of the USA .

  10. 同时,美国的版权产业在国际上的竞争力也是很强的,尤其是核心版权产业中的计算机软件及电影电视在国际市场上始终处于主导地位。

    At the same time , the copyright industry of the US is very competitive in the world , and especially the computer software and movie are always in dominant position .

  11. 版权产业的发展对促进文化产业发展具有重要的推进和提升作用,是引领文化产业结构升级,提升文化产业综合竞争力的主要力量。

    The development of copyright industry plays an very important role in promoting and upgrading cultural industry . It is the main power for advancing the structure and the comprehensive competitiveness of cultural industry .

  12. 间接效益来自于依托文化事业的相关产业,如文化旅游业、网络文化业、动漫产业、音像产业、影视产业、其他版权产业、艺术品市场等。

    The indirect benefits are from culture-related sectors , such as cultural tourism , network culture industry , animation industry , audiovisual industry , film and television industry , other copyright-based industries and art market .

  13. 在信息更新日益迅速的现代经济社会,版权产业在国民经济中的地位越来越重要,在一些国家已成为支柱产业,对推动经济发展做出了巨大的贡献,成为经济发展的主要动力之一。

    Taking a more and more important place in the modern economic society in which the information is updating increasingly , copyright industries have become one of the core industries and impetus of economy development , and made grate contributions to economy .

  14. 随着信息和通信行业日新月异的发展,数字内容的编辑、复制和分发日趋普遍,由此滋生的盗版侵权问题极大的冲击着版权保护产业,但凡涉及数字内容的任何服务领域就需要数字版权保护。

    With the rapid development of information and communication industry , digital content editing , copying and distribution become more and more common , the issues of copyright infringement has tremendous impact of copyright protection , any service field involves digital content needs digital copyright protection .

  15. 版权是版权产业的核心和基础,版权商业价值的评估是版权交易的前提和依据。

    Copyright is the core and foundation of the copyright industries , the valuation towards commercial value of copyright is the precondition and basis of copyright trade .

  16. 论中国版权贸易与版权产业的发展

    Exploitation of the Development of Copyright Trade & Copyright Industries in China

  17. 版权与美国文化产业

    The Copyright and the Cultural Industry of the USA

  18. 版权贸易与版权产业发展的时代背景考察

    Study of the Background of Copyright Trade and the Development of Copyright Industries

  19. 版权贸易与版权产业研究特点走势的梳理与评价

    Arrangement and Evaluation of the Research Characteristics and the Trend about Copyright Trade and Copyright Industries

  20. 指导的方式有版权战略,版权产业报告,以及版权信息机制建设等等。

    Specific guiding methods include copyright strategies , copyright industry reports , and construction of copyright information system .

  21. 从此,我国版权保护和版权产业将进入一个全新的发展时期。

    Playing a significant role in the copyright industries , copyright trade has been a great contributor to the sustainable development of the industries .

  22. 在知识经济中,有效地利用科技和版权并发展文化产业,可以刺激经济的增长。

    In the knowledge economy , economic growth can be stimulated by the effective utilization of science and technology , as well as copyright and development of cultural industries .

  23. 由于各类盗版产品遍布全球,美国电影、音乐、软件和其他以版权为基础的产业估计其每年会减少160亿美元的销售额。

    U.S.movie , music , software and other copyright-based industries calculate they lose more than $ 16 billion in sales each year from pirated versions of their products sold around the world .

  24. 中国的图书版权贸易作为出版产业中利用国内外资源最有效的手段,经过近二十年的发展,已经取得了巨大的成就。

    Chinese books copyright trade , as a most effective way to use the domestic and foreign resources in publication industry , had already obtained the huge achievement after nearly 20 years development .

  25. 我国应当提高版权保护水平,增强国内版权产业的国际竞争力,规避国际贸易中的版权壁垒,维护我国的对外贸易利益。

    In this situation , China should raise the copyright protection level to enhance the international competition strength of domestic copyright industries and dodge the copyright barriers in foreign trade .

  26. 该代表团进一步指出,版权不是唯一的领域,但鉴于版权产业在牙买加的价值,它是一个重要的领域。

    The Delegation further pointed out that copyright was not the only area , but an important one , given the value of the copyright industry in jamaica .

  27. 版权资源的概念从经济的角度强调了版权的资源属性和产业属性,这一概念的界定是基于版权和版权产业的概念产生的。

    The purpose of establishing the concept of copyright resource in this paper is to emphasize the resource attribute and industrial character of it . The concept is built on the definitions of copyright and copyright industry .

  28. 与国际先进水平相比较,我国从属版权贸易品种比较单一,产品竞争力弱,影响和制约了我国版权产业的发展。

    Compared with the advanced level , there are only simplex subsidiary copyright products with poor competitiveness , which had been the obstacle for the development of copyright industry in China .

  29. 本文以我国蓬勃兴起的版权贸易为研究对象,从叙述我国版权贸易的现状与发展情况引出了建立我国版权产业的重要课题。

    Based on the boosting copyright trade business in China , this dissertation describes its current conditions and the development , then extends to the founding of the copyright industries .