
  • 网络copyright trade
  1. 第五部分:论述了WTO背景下的图书版权贸易。

    The fifth part elaborates books copyright trade under the WTO background .

  2. 加入WTO意味着我国必须改革现行版权贸易体制,使其符合新规则的要求。

    The entrance into WTO requires that China should reform the present system of copyright trade and adapt it to new rules .

  3. 中国加入WTO,市场竞争加剧,不可避免地对图书版权贸易提出了严峻的挑战。

    As a result of China joining WTO , the market competition intensifies , which inevitably proposes the stern challenge to the books copyright trade .

  4. 第四部分,首先,基于TC指数分析比较中美两国版权贸易的竞争力,得出相应结论。

    Firstly , based on TC index , it will compare the competitive of the copyright trade of the two countries and come to some conclusions .

  5. 问题与对策:中国出版业国际版权贸易

    International Copyright Trade of China 's Press : Problems and Countermeasures

  6. 网络时代继续保有合理使用,很可能对电子版权贸易带来负面影响。

    It will bring about negative effects on electronic copyright trade .

  7. 版权贸易:出版业新的经济增长点

    Copyright Trading : The New Increasing Factor of Chinese Publishing Industries

  8. 因此,中国今后的版权贸易应侧重版权出口。

    Therefore , China should lay more emphasize on copyright export .

  9. 发展我国从属版权贸易研究

    The Research on Developing the Subsidiary Copyright Trade in China

  10. 版权贸易:出版业持续发展的新机遇

    Copyright Trading : The New Opportunity to Chinese Publishing Industries ' Development

  11. 涉外版权贸易法制建设研究

    The Study on Legal System Construction of Foreign Copyright Trade

  12. 中国版权贸易逆差:走出去面临的挑战和对策

    China 's Deficit in Copyright Trade : Challenge and Solution

  13. 我国图书版权贸易的现状及思考

    The Reality and Thought of Book Copyright Trade in China

  14. 版权贸易逆差与版权经济发展研究

    A Study of Copyright Trade Deficit and Copyright Economic Growth

  15. 论中国版权贸易与版权产业的发展

    Exploitation of the Development of Copyright Trade & Copyright Industries in China

  16. 河北省图书版权贸易研究

    Research on the Copyright Trading of Books in Hebei Province

  17. 具体对策是,完善与版权贸易有关的法律法规;

    The countermeasure is to perfect the law system related to copyright trade ;

  18. 版权贸易与版权产业发展的时代背景考察

    Study of the Background of Copyright Trade and the Development of Copyright Industries

  19. 中国图书版权贸易分析研究

    Analysis and Research on Chinese Books Copyright Trade

  20. 国际网络版权贸易的司法管辖问题

    Judicial Jurisdiction Over International Internet Work Copyright Trade

  21. 图书版权贸易的发展对我国高校出版社的启示

    The enlightenment of the development of book copyright trade to Chinese college publishing houses

  22. 国际版权贸易:理论与实践

    International Copyright Trade : Theory and Perfecting

  23. 入世后我国版权贸易面临的现状、问题与对策

    Status Quo , Problems and Solutions of China 's Copyright Trade after Joining the WTO

  24. 涉外版权贸易中的纠纷与对策

    Disputes and Countermeasures concerning International Copyright Trade

  25. 中国图书版权贸易现状分析及对策

    The Current Book Copyright Trade in China

  26. 在人才层面,加大版权贸易人才培养的力度。

    In the talented person stratification plane , increases the copyright trade personnel training dynamics .

  27. 19世纪80年代后,中国便开始积极投身于世界版权贸易。

    In late 1880s , China has positively plunged into the world copyright business trend .

  28. 当前,中国的版权贸易存在着结构性不平衡,即版权贸易逆差较大的问题。

    Presently , there is a big copyright trade deficit in China 's copyright trading .

  29. 关于版权贸易进大于出的思考

    Consideration of the deficit in Copyright Trade

  30. 当前中国的版权贸易应侧重版权出口

    More Emphasizing on China 's Copyright Trading