
zhù zuò quán bǎo hù
  • copyright protection
  1. 在我国已经加入世界贸易组织的背景下,中国的著作权保护问题理应被纳入WTO体系。

    Since China has joint WTO , Chinese copyright protection should be involved into WTO system .

  2. 电子数据库的著作权保护与文献情报工作

    The Copyright Protection of Electronic Databases and Documentation and Information Work

  3. 参考文献的著录与著作权保护

    The Consult Documents ' Author Catalogue and the Protection of Copyright

  4. 计算机网络中的著作权保护消费者要善于依法维权

    Computer Protect by Copyright of Network Protect your right by law

  5. 背景音乐著作权保护问题研究

    A Study in Issues Relating to Copyright Protection of Background Music

  6. 试析著作权保护与教育资源合理使用:发展中国家公众的视角

    Copyright Protection and Fair Use : from Developing Countries ' Perspective

  7. 但是,著作权保护必须有一个合理的界限。

    However , copyright protection must have a reasonable limit .

  8. 著作权保护中的法律适用问题

    The Problem of Law Application in the Protection of Copyright

  9. 而在目前,大多数国家对软件适用著作权保护制度。

    The copyright of software mostly is one kind of property right .

  10. 图书馆馆藏文献数字化著作权保护探析

    Discussion about collection literature numeralization and copyright protection in Library

  11. 关于高校教材著作权保护的探讨

    The Protected About the Textbook 's Copyright of Higher Education

  12. 网络信息的著作权保护及读者信息获取权的维护

    Copyright Protection for Network Information and Readers ' Right to Obtain Information

  13. 我国高校学位论文著作权保护调查分析与研究

    Investigation and Study of Protection of Copyright of University Dissertations in China

  14. 我国计算机软件著作权保护问题研究

    Research on the Problems of the Protection of Computer Software in China

  15. 以前,著作权保护期只跨越一代。

    Once , the copyright term spanned a single generation .

  16. 景德镇陶瓷美术作品的著作权保护

    On the Protection of Copyright of Jingdezhen Porcelain Art Articles

  17. 3注意合理使用受著作权保护的数字化信息资源;

    Making proper use of digital information protected by copyright ;

  18. 科技期刊及其作者的著作权保护探析

    Discussion about Copyright Protection of Sci-tech Periodicals and Their Authors

  19. 链接引起的著作权保护问题;

    Hyper linking causes the questions of the copyright ;

  20. 论科技期刊编辑出版工作中的著作权保护

    Protection of copyrights in editing and publishing Sci-tech Journals

  21. 开展其他有关著作权保护和服务的工作。

    To carry out other work related to copyright protection and copyright services .

  22. 第三章是国际上关于计算机软件著作权保护的实践。

    Chapter 3 talks about the international practice of computer software copyright protection .

  23. 当作品出版时附有版权声明,该作品是受到著作权保护的。

    The work was copyrighted when it was published with a copyright notice .

  24. 运动竞赛表演中的著作权保护

    On the copyright protection of sports matches and performances

  25. 信息时代著作权保护中的利益关系与对策研究

    Study on the Information Interest-conflicts in the Protection of Copyright in Information Times

  26. 浅论学报编辑工作中著作权保护的几个问题

    On Several Problems of Copyright Protection in Journal Edit

  27. 论续写作品的著作权保护

    Protection of the Copyright of Sequel to Literature Works

  28. 规避著作权保护的技术保护措施。

    Escaping the measure of technical protection on copyright .

  29. 数字图书馆资源开发、建设中的著作权保护问题

    The problems of copyright protection In the resources development and construction of Digital Library

  30. 民间传统体育的著作权保护研究

    Research on Copyright Pretection of Folk Traditional Sport