
  1. 从一起侵权行为看汇编作品的双重著作权行使

    About the Exercise of Double Copyright of Collected Words Through an Infringement Action

  2. 该部分还从精神权利和经济权利两个方面,详细分析了演绎作品著作权行使的界限问题。

    Chapter 3 also discusses the specific boundary of exercise the copyright in two angles , namely moral rights and economic rights .

  3. 合作开发者对软件著作权的行使按照事前的书面协议进行。

    Exercise of the copyright co-developers shall be carried out in accordance with any written agreement reached prior to creation of the software .

  4. 期刊尤其作为特殊编辑作品的文摘期刊,其著作权的行使,具有一定的特殊性,需要进一步明确认定并加强立法保护。

    Periodical magazine and digest periodical magazine as special compiled words , making use of it 's work right , have some peculiarity and need to be further affirmed and to strengthen protection law .

  5. 从合作作品的概念与分类、合作作品的认定标准、如何确定合作作品作者的身份以及合作作品著作权的行使几个方面对合作作品的相关问题进行探讨。

    This paper will study this subject from the following aspects : the definition and classification of collaborated works , the cognizance standard , how to identify the authorship and the exertion of the copyright .

  6. 论文第二、三两部分,具体论述了电影作品的著作权的权利行使和权利限制。

    The second and third parts of the thesis analyze the exertion and restriction of copyright .

  7. 第十四条编辑作品由编辑人享有著作权,但行使著作权时,不得侵犯原作品的著作权。

    Article 14 The copyright in a work created by compilation shall be enjoyed by the compiler , provided that the exercise of such copyright shall not prejudice the copyright in the preexisting works included in the compilation .

  8. 著作权的归属与行使

    Ownership and Exercise of Copyright

  9. 在与肖像有关的美术作品和摄影作品中,不仅会涉及到著作权的存在和行使,而且还会涉及到肖像权的存在和行使。

    In the works of art and photography concerning portrait , people will have to deal with the conflicts between copyright and the right of portrait .

  10. 本文第二章首先集中讨论了涉及建筑作品署名权、作者身份公开权、发表权、修改权和保护作品完整权等著作人身权的行使和限制中的特殊问题。

    Chapter Two of the thesis first focuses the discussion on the special problems in practicing and restricting the moral rights of architectural works , which includes authorship right of architectural works , personal identity disclosure right , the right of publication and the right of revision .

  11. 为防止著作权的滥用,著作权的行使必须受到相应的法律控制。

    In order to prevent the misuse of the copyright , exercise of the copyright must be control by corresponding legal .

  12. 本文试图从这起侵权行为引起的诉讼和法院判决入手,分析了汇编作品著作权的产生要件和汇编作品著作权行使的特殊性,从而得出汇编作品著作权产生双重行使的合理性和现实性。

    Now the author tries to analyze the lawsuit and the court verdict caused by the infringement , the necessity , the particularity of copyright of collected words and the use of double copyright in a rational and realistic way .

  13. 对于网络信息著作权管理问题的探讨传统的著作权管理方式是著作权人自己行使权利,许可他人使用并收取版税。

    On Management of Copyright for Network Information Traditional management of copyright is exercised by authors on an individual basis , that is to say authorizing each use of works case by case .

  14. 多重著作权的产生有其必然性,其存在有其合理性,应为多重著作权的行使设计合理规则,以协调多重著作权人之间的利益。

    The emergence of multiple copyright s has its inevitability and its existence has its rationality . Therefore , it is necessary to design reasonable rules for multiple copyright s so as to coordinate the interests of multiple copyright owners .