
zhù zuò quán kè tǐ
  • object of copyright
  1. 著作权客体是作品,著作权法上的出租权客体则不能生搬硬套且一概而论。

    The object of copyright is the works , but the object of rental right in the copyright law cannot be taken for granted to be the works , too .

  2. 指出计算机软件具有多重知识产权客体属性,主要是著作权客体属性和专利权客体属性。

    This paper point that computer software has multiple attributes of intellectual property rights , the main IP attributes are copyright and patent property attributes .

  3. 在版权领域,网络不仅创造了新的作品形式,拓展了著作权客体的范围,改变了作品的传播方式,扩大了作品的传播范围;

    In the field of copyright on the network , the new works on Internet has been appeared ; the scope of copyright has been developed .

  4. 互联网上积累并链接起来的大量数字化作品成为可交换的数字产品,而数字化作品突破了传统著作权客体的表现形式以及地域性、专有性等特征。

    Numerous digital works accumulated and linked on the internet become exchangeable digital works , while the digital works break through the traditional forms of copyright objects , the regional character , the exclusive character and so on .

  5. 作品是著作权的客体。

    Intellectual works are the objects of copyright .

  6. 著作权的客体是作品,但并非所有的作品都能获得著作权法的保护。

    The object of the copyright is a work , but all works all can obtain the copyright method by no means protection .

  7. 一方面网络音乐作品作为著作权的客体,具有独占性和排他性,权利人通过对音乐作品的商业性利用来追求和获取独占性的、尽可能多的经济利益。

    On the hand , network music , as the object of copyright , has the exclusive . Through the pursuit of commercial exploitation , obligee will get the most exclusive economic interest .

  8. 同时从功能上看,软件更接近于专利权的客体而不是著作权的客体,因而对计算机软件进行专利权保护具有广阔的前景和深远的意义。

    Meanwhile looking from the function , the software favors in the patent object but not the copyright object , so the patent protection to the computer software has the broad prospect and the profound significance .

  9. 著作权的客体作品具有无形性,著作权的本体著作权的内容具有人格权和财产权的二元属性,作品的载体也因此具有了作者精神利益的人格属性。

    The object of the copyright works of the intangible nature of copyright is the copyright of the contents of the ontology with the dual personality and property attributes , and therefore the carrier works with the spiritual interests of the attributes of personality .

  10. 著作权的客体是作品,独创性是作品受著作权保护的实质要件,这在世界各国的著作权法理、立法和司法实践中都得到了确认。

    Works is the object of copyright , originality is the essence of the elements by which can look for the copyright protection , this viewpoint has been confirmed in the copyright legal principle , legislation and judicial practice in all the countries in the world .

  11. 从5个方面论证和分析了艺术体操成套动作应成为著作权法保护客体的可行性。

    The author proves and analyses the feasibility of RG composition becoming the object protected by the copyright low .

  12. 影视作品作为著作权保护的客体,是一类复合型艺术作品。

    Audiovisual works , as the object of the copyright protection , is a kind of compound type art works .

  13. 中国是世界上为数不多的明确将计算机软件作为著作权法保护客体的国家之一。

    China is among a select group of countries that have explicitly listed computer software as the object of protection by copyright laws .

  14. 录音录像、有线和无线传播等技术的广泛运用使得著作权的保护客体日益增多。

    With the extensive use of audio and video recording , wired and wireless communication technologies , the object of copyright is expanding .

  15. 体育领域中的智力成果的表现形式是多种多样的,有些可以成为著作权保护的客体,有些则不能。

    The expressing forms of intellectual achievements in sports area present are varied , some of which can become the object of copyright protection while the others cannot .

  16. 由于网络上传播的大量信息是著作权保护的客体,所以著作权制度受到网络最为强烈的冲击,著作权制度正在网络环境下经历必要的调整。

    Because most of information spreading through the net are bodies of copyright , the copyright system is attacked strongly by net and it is experiencing an necessary regulation under the net environment .

  17. 二是民间音乐作品符合著作权法律关系客体的要求,应通过著作权法律体系进行保护,从而有效防止民间音乐作品商业利用过程中引起的利益冲突。

    Secondly , folk music products meet the demand of legal relation by copyright , so it should be protected by copyright system in order to effectively prevent the interests conflict from the commercialization of Folk Music products .

  18. 著作权法保护的客体是作品。

    The copyright law protects works .

  19. 第二部分:网络著作权权利主体与客体。

    Chapter 2 is made up be two sections : the subjects and objects of online copyright .

  20. 在厘清著作出租权主体、客体的基础上,文章探讨了著作出租权的内容。

    On the basis of the clarity on the subject and object of the rental right , the article inquires into the content of the Rental Right of Works .

  21. 随后介绍了计算机软件的特点,由于国际条约已经把计算机软件作为著作权法保护的客体,所以合理使用制度同样适用于计算机软件。

    Then introduced the characteristics of computer software , as international treaties have the protection of computer software as the object of copyright law , so the rational use of the system also applies to computer software .

  22. 但同时网络也给法律出了一道难题,这是因为网络上传播的大量信息是著作权法保护的客体,给著作权法律制度带来强烈的冲击。

    But at same time the networks also give the law a difficult problem . Because a large number of information disseminated on the networks are the object of protection of Copyright Law . It gives a strong impact on the Copyright Law .

  23. 对著作权的限制体现在著作权客体的限制,时间的限制以及合理使用的限制。

    The limit manifests to the copyright in the copyright object limit , the time limit as well as the reasonable use limit .

  24. 第四章主要讨论如何以法律手段保护互联网著作权,对著作权的主体、客体和著作权法的权利体系都进行了详细的介绍;

    Chapter four chiefly discusses how to protect copyright by means of law , and introduces the main body , object of copyright and the droit system of copyright law in detail .

  25. 它主要介绍了网络作品和网络著作权的内涵与特点、网络著作权的主体、客体以及内容等相关理论。

    The correlative theory , the connotation of Internet works , the object , subject and content of author 's right on the Internet are introduced in this part .

  26. 电子商务中超链接引发的著作权问题集中发生在直接电子商务当中,涉及的著作权客体主要是电子商务时代的新型作品&数字化作品。

    Hyperlink in the EC induces copyright problems mainly happen in the direct EC , the copyright objects involved mainly are the new style works & digital works .

  27. 自从2001年我国著作权法修改后,建筑作品单独列为著作权法保护的客体。

    Form Copyright Law of China amended in 2001 , the works of architecture listed individually in Copyright Law .

  28. 从《刑法》及《著作权法》的有关规定来看,我国对于侵犯著作权犯罪的客体、行为方式、行为主体等犯罪构成要件均有较为明确的规定,建立起了著作权的刑法保护制度。

    From the relevant provisions of the Penal Code and the Copyright Act , the object behavior and actors and other crime elements of copyright infringement crime are clearly defined , which signify the establishment of the Criminal law protection system for copyright .