- 网络Copyright restrictions;Limitations on Copyright

The Application of Copyright 's Restriction System in the Digital Library
The Theory of Limitation and Counter - limitation for Copyright and Its Social Basis
And then analyses the existing rule of limitations on copyrights , discuss if these systems can be applied to Chinese limitations on moral rights .
As a balancer between obliges and users , such copyright restrictions system as fair use and statuary license plays a decisive role in its development .
The computer-mediated communication came along with the rapid development of information technology . The theoretical basis of restricting it is the theory of restriction on copyright .
Then , a digital library of its own characteristics how to make full use of copyright restriction system to avoid the risk of copyright is becoming the focus of stakeholders ' attention .
The two fundamental reasons for the system existence are defending basic civil rights and promoting public interests , which provided some theoretical grounds for copyright restrictions system persisting to work under network background .
In this paper , the author discusses concepts and ways of the development of document resources in libraries , and analyzes legal issues concerning the cost of the utilization and the restriction of copyright .
The statutory licensing system is an important system of the copyright restriction , it is based on the provisions of the law directly , but to pay the corresponding compensation without the consent of copyright owner and related .
The development of internet technology brought challenge to the restriction of copyright . The study about the restriction of right of internet communication has become the important substance and also a problem with concern and difficulty in the copyright realm .
This paper introduces some new concepts in the protection of intellectual property in Web environment , analyzes the difficulties in restricting copyright in the construction of library network in China and expounds the laws and measures taken by the libraries to avoid encroach on the copyright .
At the same time , copyright restriction system defined as the limitation to the exclusive rights which are explicitly provided by the law is very important for its legal values such as fairness and justice and the reality of the role in coordinating interests of every party .
Chapter 3 is about the restriction of online copyright .
Traditional copyright restraint forms the theoretical foundation of the copyright restraint under the environment of network .
" Super copyright " and its limitation in competition law The Institutions of Restriction to the Copyrights in Chinese Copyright Act
The limit manifests to the copyright in the copyright object limit , the time limit as well as the reasonable use limit .
This paper analyzes on the problem of the right limitation of the copyright in the construction of our country 's digital library under the network environment .
Second , because the digital library cannot use the works under the restrictions of the copyright law , so the authorization mode of the digital library is worth to research .
Looked from the overall that , to the copyright the limit stipulation is effective , but some details partial also await improvements , if reasonably uses the resolution standard should be further thin .
In essence , the limitation of the network spread 's right belongs to authority limitation , to which rational use is the core , and it also adapts to the limitation of the network spread 's right .
The Analysis and Usage of Authority Iimit of Copyright Law
The Right Limitation of the Copyright in the Construction of the Digital Library
You must abide by all copyright notices and restrictions contained on the Site .
Copyright under the network environment to be a limit on how urgent problem .
And then this paper introduces the existing rule of limitations on moral rights in the United States and Germany .
This article will describe the balance between protection and restriction of copyright under Internet by the theory of the interest balance .
The dialectical relation between expansion and constraint also indicates that trade-off has been and will continue to be the constant theme of copyright law .
Finally , through analyzing the rules and regulations about the restriction on moral rights in our country , and based on the foreign legislations , the specific suggestions are made on the necessity of consummating the regulations of the restriction on moral rights .
The Research on the Influence of Limitations and Exceptions in the Copyright Law on the Long-Term Preservation of Digital Resources
The systems of limitation in Chinas Copyright Law should be reviewed by such fundamental principle , and should be further improved .