
zhù zuò quán jiū fēn
  • copyright disputes
  1. 签字确认编辑加工稿件的合法性:从而达到提高论文质量,减少著作权纠纷,促进编辑与作者互动机制建立等目的。

    Also , this self-proofreading can improve the quality of papers and decrease copyright disputes , and promote the establishment of the cooperation mechanism between the authors and the editors .

  2. 现实中,与网络有关的著作权纠纷也不断增多,而传统的合理使用制度已难以完全适应技术革新所带来的社会生活的变革。

    In reality , more and more copyright disputes related to network arise , but the conventional fair use system is no longer able to adapt to the social life changes resulted from technical innovations .

  3. 从一起著作权纠纷案看作者出版者的法律意识

    Seeing the law awareness of author and publisher from a copyright dispute case

  4. 在数字图书馆建设过程中,涉及到的法律问题主要是著作权纠纷问题。

    During the constructive process of digital library , some legal problems concerning copyright infringement are involved .

  5. 网络游戏中的著作权纠纷解析&以对战平台和私服为切入点

    An Analysis of the Copyright Dispute in Online Games in the Perspective of Battle Platform and Private Server

  6. 随着征集广告语的活动日益增多,由此引发的广告语著作权纠纷案件也呈上升的趋势。

    Along with the activity of collecting the advertising language , the ad words copyright disputing cases have increased rapidly .

  7. 经授权转贴之内容,需注明原来出处,以免引起著作权纠纷。

    Any material to be displayed should be authorized and the original sources indicated , so as to avoid any copyright dispute .

  8. 随着电子期刊的著作权纠纷逐渐增多,现有的著作权法已经滞后于技术的发展。

    As indicated by the steady increase of disputes on electronic database-related copyrights , the existing copyright laws are less developed comparing to electronic technologies .

  9. 《红楼解梦》与《红楼春秋》著作权纠纷案始末就是著作权法理论付诸实践的生动实例。

    The beginning and end of the copyright dispute case of Red Building Interpret Dream and Red Building Spring and Autumn is a vital example about theory and practice of copyright law .

  10. 近些年来,随着互联网技术的高速发展和普及应用,愈来愈多的网络著作权纠纷引起了我们对于网络著作权保护的重视。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of Internet technology and wider application of an increasing number of Internet copyright disputes has aroused the attention of our network copyright protection .

  11. 随之而来的是涉及博客作品的著作权纠纷随之不断增多,博客作品著作权的保护问题被推上了网络环境下著作权制度变革的风口浪尖。

    What the following is copyright dispute of blog works continuously increase , the protection problem of blog works is pushed to forward position of change of copyright system under the network environment .

  12. 网页快照引起的网络著作权纠纷表面看是版权人和搜索引擎运营商利益之争,实际上存在着更重要的第三种利益&社会公众的利益。

    It seems that the network copyright disputes caused by Cache is a dispute of benefits between copyright owners and Internet Service Providers , while actually there is a third interest which is more important-the public interest .

  13. 近年来,在各类著作权纠纷案件中,关于作品完整权纠纷占据着较高的比例,但由于其法律用语的模糊性以及判断标准上的差异性,留给司法实践很大的解释空间。

    The cases about integrity right dispute take a large proportion in the all kinds of copyright cases in recent years . because of the vagueness of the legal provisions and the diversity in the standard of judgment , many different explanations of the law exist in the judicial practice .

  14. 中国法院在处理涉外著作权纠纷中应采用的法律适用原则是:在适用国内法律的同时必须确保其结果符合中国缔结或加入的知识产权国际条约所规定的原则。

    The principle of law application for the Chinese courts to deal with copyright disputes with foreign elements is that the result of the domestic law application should be in conformity with the principles provided in the intellectual property conventions that Chinese Government concluded or acceded as their member party .

  15. 论著作权侵权纠纷中停止侵害的适用

    On Fitting Terms of Stopping Tort in Copyright Tort Dispute

  16. 网络著作权侵权纠纷案件几乎涵盖了所有的作品类型。

    The case of Network copyright infringement disputes covers almost all work types .

  17. 华盖公司著作权侵权纠纷案的的判决结果值得再思考。

    The result of judgment of the cases in reference to the Getty Images China should be rethinking .

  18. 随着视频分享网站的进一步发展,有关其侵犯著作权的纠纷甚嚣尘上。

    With the further development of the video-sharing sites , there are more and more disputes about its copyright infringement .

  19. 各高级人民法院根据本辖区的实际情况,可以确定若干基层人民法院管辖第一审著作权民事纠纷案件。

    Each higher people 's court may designate some grassroot courts to exercise jurisdiction over copyright-related civil disputes in the first instance .

  20. 蛇年邮票与剪纸作者著作权的纠纷,说明对这些民间艺术进行立法保护的重要性。

    The dissention between stamps of the year of snake and the paper-cut author shows that its very important to safeguard fork art legislatively .

  21. 再分析深层次网络环境下著作权侵权纠纷的实质,即创作者和使用者的博弈。

    And then discusses the essence of copyright infringement on internet , that is , the conflict between the innovator and the users of innovations .

  22. 网络出版物著作权侵权纠纷及其救济新探基于经济学的分析视角网络游戏中的著作权纠纷解析以对战平台和私服为切入点

    Network Publication Copyright Infringement & Its Relief ; An Analysis of the Copyright Dispute in Online Games in the Perspective of Battle Platform and Private Server

  23. 源程序是软件开发者身份的重要证明,在软件著作权的纠纷中,如果当事人不能出示源程序,有可能因举证不能而导致承担法律责任。

    In software copyright dispute if the litigant did not show the source program , it is possible that the litigant has to hold legal responsible due to evidence lack .

  24. 但是,随之而来的著作权权属纠纷也频繁发生,特别是著作权的一权多卖现象更是屡见不鲜。

    However , the disputes on copyright ownerships have also been with great frequencies , especially when it comes to the phenomena of " a copyright , several sells " .

  25. 第四十九条著作权合同纠纷可以调解,也可以依据合同中的仲裁条款或者事后达成的书面仲裁协议,向著作权仲裁机构申请仲裁。

    Article 49 A dispute over a copyright contract may be settled by mediation . It may also , in accordance with the arbitration clause of contract , or a written arbitration agreement concluded after the contract has been signed , be submitted to a copyright arbitration body for arbitration .

  26. 代理著作权及相关纠纷的调处;

    Serving as attorney in mediation of copyright disputes and related disputes ;

  27. 在档案信息公开的过程中必须维护档案形成者的著作权,避免出现著作权纠纷;

    During the course of disclosing archival information , we must protect authors ' copyright to avoid being involved in the law .

  28. 侵犯著作权的抗辩事由对著作权侵权纠纷的双方利益影响重大。

    The demur incidents to infringe the copyright are important for both sides of the entanglemant of infringing the copyright .

  29. 人民法院审理已经过著作权行政管理部门处理的侵犯著作权行为的民事纠纷案件,应当对案件事实进行全面审查。

    When adjudicating a civil dispute over a copyright-infringing conduct that has already been disposed of by a competent copyright administrative authorities , a people 's court shall carry out an investigation into the facts of the reported case in all respects .

  30. 试论著作人身权的权利限制&一起委托作品著作人身权纠纷引发的法律思考

    Study on the Restriction of the Personal Right of Copyright & The legal discussion on a dispute of an entrusted work