
  1. 版权办公室的出版物“著作权保护的新期限”中这样写道。

    Copyright Office publications ," new terms of copyright protection ," says the following .

  2. 著作权的一般保护期限为70年,自作者死亡之日的次年的一月一日起算。

    The general term of protection is for70 years , starting from the January1st of the year following the death of the author .

  3. 著作权扩张表现在受保护的客体不断增加、著作权保护范围不断扩大、使用方式不断增多、著作权保护期限不断延长等方面。

    The expansion is represented in the continued increase of protection objects , the continued widening of the range of copyright protection , the continued addition of usage modes , and the continued extension of copyright protection duration .