
  1. 第一部分是著作权合理使用制度(英文fairuse或fairdealing)的介绍。

    The first one is the introduction of fair use systemof Copyright ( fair use or fair dealing in English ) .

  2. 第一章著作权合理使用制度概论。

    Chapter one is an overview of fair use in copyright .

  3. 那么,网络环境下著作权合理使用制度何去何从?

    Where will fair use system of copyright be directed ?

  4. 论网络环境下的著作权合理使用制度

    On the Fair Use System of Copyright in Networked Environment

  5. 网络时代著作权合理使用的研究

    Research on the Fair Use of Copyright in the Time of Network

  6. 重构我国著作权合理使用制度之思考

    Thinking on Reconstruction of the Fair Use of the Copyright in China

  7. 网络技术对著作权合理使用制度的挑战

    Challenge of Network Technology to the System of Rational Use of Copyright

  8. 中美著作权合理使用制度比较研究

    Constructive Study on Fair Use System of USA and China

  9. 数字化环境下著作权合理使用制度研究

    Research on Copyright Fair Use System under Digital Environment

  10. 在网络环境中,著作权合理使用制度同样发挥着这样的作用。

    Fair use system of copyright also plays such a role on Internet .

  11. 对数字图书馆建设中著作权合理使用问题的探讨

    Fair Use of Copyright in Establishment of Digital Library

  12. 关于我国著作权合理使用问题的探讨

    A Probe into the Problems of the Rational Use of Copyright in China

  13. 国际图书馆界有关著作权合理使用的原则立场

    Principle and Stand for the Proper Treatment of Copyright in International Library Circle

  14. 图书馆数字化建设中著作权合理使用的价值和必要性

    Value and Necessity of Copyright Fair-used in the Process of the Library Digital Developments

  15. 图书馆应当享有明确的著作权合理使用权

    Libraries Have the Specific Rights of Copyright Fair-use

  16. 网络空间著作权合理使用制度面临的挑战及完善

    Challenge and Upgrade of the Fair Deal in g System of Copyright in Cyberspace

  17. 图书馆工作中著作权合理使用问题

    Rational use of authorship right in library work

  18. 从历史的角度论著作权合理使用制度&合理性标准的理论分野

    On the System of the Fair Use of Copyright from the Perspective of History

  19. 对著作权合理使用的探讨

    A discussion of the rational use of copyright

  20. 传统的著作权合理使用制度在此背景下面临着诸多尴尬。

    The traditional fair use in copyright faces a great deal of awkwardness under this background .

  21. 网络技术的发展与著作权合理使用制度之间存在着巨大冲突。

    There are enormous conflicts between the development of the network technology and fair use in copyright .

  22. 第五部分是我国著作权合理使用制度的立法模式完善建议。

    The fifth part is the rational use of our copyright system , refine the proposed legislative model .

  23. 最后,提出了数字环境下完善我国著作权合理使用制度的建议。

    Finally , I give some suggestions to improve the fair use of our copyright in digital environment .

  24. 从历史的角度上分析了著作权合理使用制度的来源,以及存在的理论意义。

    From a historical perspective on copyright fair use analysis of the sources , and the existence of theoretical significance .

  25. 馆藏文献数字化的著作权合理使用关于县(区)级公共图书馆合理使用购书经费的思考

    Considerations about How the County ( District ) - level Public Libraries to Make Rational Use of the Book-purchasing Funds

  26. 第二章从利益平衡角度分析著作权合理使用制度。

    In Chapter two , there are some analyses on the fair use rule with a view of balance of interest .

  27. 高新技术对著作权合理使用制度的冲击&关于复印版税和录制版税的思考和对策

    The High-Technical Challenge to the System of the Reasonable Copyright Using & A Comment on the Duplication Royalty and Record Royalty

  28. 本文分析了数字化发展对著作权合理使用制度的挑战,合理使用制度仍然有其存在的必要。

    The article analyses the challenges brought by the development of digital technology and the necessity of the existence of fair use .

  29. 第二部分分析了网络环境下著作权合理使用制度面临的挑战。

    The second part of this paper is mainly about challenges which the fair use system is facing in the network environment .

  30. 因此我们应当重新审视著作权合理使用制度,适时补充合理性判断标准和具体法律规定。

    Therefore , we should re-examine the copyright fair use system , resupply and specific criteria for judging the reasonableness of the law .