
  • 网络copyright pledge
  1. 著作权质押是著作权利用制度的一个重要方面。

    Copyright pledge is an important aspect of using system .

  2. 著作权质押对物的效力。

    Secondly , the effectiveness of the copyright pledge to the thing .

  3. 著作权质押担保是体现著作权经济属性的典型方式之一。

    The pledge of copyrights is a typical aspect of its economical character .

  4. 完善我国著作权质押法律效力的建议。

    Fourthly , the reconstruction of legal effect system of copyright pledge in China .

  5. 我国著作权质押制度探析外商独资企业的对外质押

    The Foreign Hypothecation of Solely Foreign-Invested Enterprises My humble opinion towards the copyright in library administration

  6. 著作权质押作为著作权利用的重要形式,正日益成为版权产业融资的有效途径。

    As an important way to use copyright , copyright pledge is becoming an effective approach for financing in copyright industry .

  7. 著作权质押是文化产业融资的重要渠道,也是推动文化产业发展的主要动力。

    Copyright is an important way for cultural industries-financing , also a main power for promoting the development of cultural industries .

  8. 著作权质押是知识产权质押的一种,在担保法体系中属于权利质押。

    The pledge of copyright loan , as a part of intellectual property rights pledge , is belong to rights pledge in guarantee law system .

  9. 计算机软件、工程设计图、产品设计图以及数据库等功能性作品构成现阶段我国著作权质押的主体。

    The functional works , including computer software , engineering design , product design and database , are main part of the current copyright pledge .

  10. 随着知识产权资本市场的发展繁荣,著作权质押这种权利担保方式日益受到各国投资者的青睐。

    With the developing of the capital markets of intellectual property , copyright pledge has been favored increasingly by the investors from all the world .

  11. 甚至,著作权质押制度中的价值评估和证券化过程还涉及到经济领域的相关问题。

    Indeed , the estimate of values and the process of securitization in the system of copyright pledge also related to some problems of the economic field .

  12. 著作权质押具有非排他性、价值权性、非转移占有性、人身权性,因此有必要构建符合自身特点的著作权质押体系。

    Because the pledge of copyright is non-exclusive , valuable , non-transferable and personal nature , so it is crucial to build a practicable pledge of copyright loan system .

  13. 但由于我国知识产权制度起步较晚,相关法律对著作权质押法律效力的规范仍显粗糙。

    However , because of the intellectual property system starting late in China , the relevant laws to the norms of the legal effect of copyright pledge have been remained rough .

  14. 重点阐述了著作权质押的概念和特征、著作权质押的性质、著作权质押的意义和著作权质押与动产质押之比较。

    Elaborate for emphasis the concept and features of the copyright pledge , the nature of the copyright pledge , the significance of the copyright pledge and the comparison of copyrights pledge and movable estate pledge .

  15. 自公告发布之日起,所有计算机软件著作权质押合同必须到中国软件登记中心办理质押合同登记手续,质押合同自登记之同起生效。

    Fromsince the date of promulgatingissuing the announcement , all the pledge contracts of computer software copyright must be registered at China software registration center and the pledge contracts shall become effective on the date of registration .

  16. 其具体内容包括了三个方面,即著作权质押的权利范围、著作权质押所担保的债权范围、著作权质押效力所及的标的范围。

    This part mainly includes these three aspects , the scope of the property rights of copyright pledge , the scope of the secured claims of copyright pledge , and the scope of the effect of copyright pledge .

  17. 并非所有著作财产权都能单独成为著作权质押标的,文化创意产业中的各类著作权可进行组合,形成集合著作权质押。

    Not all economic rights can become the subjects of the pledge of copyright loan . In cultural industries , the assembling copyright pledge loan can be composed of many different type of copyright .

  18. 然而,在《著作权法实施细则》中并无著作权质押或者著作权许可使用权质押的规定。

    However , in the " Rules for the Implementation of the Copyright Law ," there is no copyright pledge , or pledge the right to use copyright licensing regulations .