
  • 网络Layout;format design;DESIGN
  1. 例:作为主编,每一期的版式设计我说了算。

    As the editor in chief , I have the final say on the layout design for every issue .

  2. 期刊的版式设计是为了更好地突出期刊的定位和风格,使刊物在美观基础上更快更好地传递信息。

    On the other hand , the aim of layout is to reveal the style and the orientation , and to transfer the in-formation more effectively .

  3. 我翻过那本烹饪书。我喜欢它的版式设计。

    I 've been looking at the cookery book . I like the way it is set out

  4. JDF-MIS中版式设计节点的解析与实现

    Analysis and Realization of the Format Design Node in JDF-MIS

  5. 三十年代《申报》商业广告版式设计探析(1927-1937)

    Thirties " Declaration " of Commercial Ads Layout ( 1927-1937 )

  6. 现阶段我国报纸版式设计形式浅析

    Analysis of the Present Design of Newspaper Layout of Our Country

  7. 平面广告文案版式设计的实验心理学研究

    An experimental psychological research on text design and layout of print advertising

  8. 科技期刊版式设计中空白的处理

    Deal with blank space in layout design of sci-tech periodicals

  9. 如何提高期刊版式设计的视觉效果

    How to Improve The Visual Effect of the Format Design of Periodicals

  10. 略论高校学报的版式设计

    On Format Design of Journals of Institutions of Higher Learning

  11. 版式设计意识介入商业橱窗设计

    Introduction of the Format Design Sense to Commercial Window Design

  12. 论影响版式设计艺术效果的客观因素

    Discussion on Objective Elements Influencing Artistic Effect of Format Design

  13. 对自由版式设计风格构成要素的研究。

    Second , the elements studying of the style of free format design .

  14. 版式设计的多维文化研究与教学

    The Research into Layout Multidimensional Culture and Layout Teaching

  15. 论版式设计的概念及形式

    On Concept and Form s of Lay - Out

  16. 科技图书版式设计的原则与方法

    Principles and methods of layout design of sci-tech books

  17. 科技期刊版式设计中的几个基本要素

    Some essential factors in layout design of sci-tech periodicals

  18. 论版式设计中的空间艺术

    On the Art of Space in Format Design

  19. 电子图书自适应版式设计研究

    Research on Adaptive Design of e-Book 's Format

  20. 倡导人本主义的科技期刊版式设计

    Advocating the Humanism Format Design in Sci-Tech Periodicals

  21. 他非常注重书刊的编排之美和版式设计;

    He also paid attention to the beauty of the layout and the design .

  22. 当代版式设计风格解析

    Analysis of the Style of Contemporary Layout Design

  23. 期刊版式设计应遵循的原则

    The Principles of the Periodical Format Design Followed

  24. 科技期刊版式设计略谈

    Format Design of Scientific and Technologic Journal

  25. 而在招贴设计中版式设计表现的更为突出。

    But the format design performance is more prominent in the handbill poster notice design .

  26. 这些历史性的变化反映了版式设计的视觉演化方式。

    The tendency of these historical changes reflects the visual evolved mode of format design .

  27. 论网页的版式设计

    On Layout Design of Web Page

  28. 对版式设计的设计过程进行解构,重新以中国式的思维来阐述版式设计中面临的问题。

    In the design process lay-out in Chinese , the deconstruction thinking to format design problems .

  29. 包装版式设计中的文字构成

    Character Layout in Package Format Design

  30. 期刊版式设计的艺术形式

    Art Forms for Periodicals Format Designing