
  • 网络Copyright information
  1. 请在每个源代码中维护IBM的版权信息。

    Please retain the IBM Copyright message in each source file .

  2. 一个channel元素拥有多个其他元素,如仅出现一次的版权信息和项目列表。

    A channel element has a number of other elements like copyright information that occur only once and the list of items .

  3. copyright:将版权信息保存为一个或多个year标记和一个holder标记

    Copyright : Holds the copyright information as one or more year tags and one holder tag

  4. 考虑过将项目开源给Eclipse基金会吗(我在网站上没有看到版权信息)?

    Is there any thought of contributing the project as open source to the Eclipse foundation ( I see nothing about licensing on the website )?

  5. 和传统的文本分类相比,在对Web文本进行分类之前,需要去除里面所包含的HTML标记、脚本代码、广告代码、版权信息等。

    Compared with traditional text classification , prior to Web text classification , HTML tags , scripting code , ad code , and copyright information in Web pages are needed removed .

  6. Rails的layouts使包含标题、菜单栏和版权信息在内的公共元素能够在所有页面中重用。

    Rails layouts enable reuse of common elements for all pages , including headers , menu bars , and copyright information .

  7. 使用-s[ilent]启动CLPPlus会抑制某些消息,比如版本信息、版权信息、提示信息和连接信息,在控制台上显示。

    Starting CLPPlus with-s [ ilent ] suppresses certain messages , such as version information , copyright information , prompt messages , and connection information , from displaying on the console .

  8. 用户有权参照“ZWW中外网”版权信息注明为用户保留所有权利,所有标志与品牌均为其各自拥有者的财产!

    Users have the right to refer to " ZWW Chinese and foreign net " copyright information All rights reserved for the user specified , all the marks and brands are the property of their respective owners !

  9. 本节包含相关的商标、专利和版权信息。

    This section contains relevant trademarks , patents , and copyrights .

  10. 很明显,不同的页面或资源可能有不同的版权信息。

    Obviously , different pages or resources might have different copyright information .

  11. 显示作者、版权信息和音量滑钮。

    Title , author , and copyright and volume slider .

  12. 首先是将不同形式的版权信息转换为二进制信息流;

    First of all , it transforms different copyright information to binary stream ;

  13. 显示程序信息、版本号及版权信息

    Display program information , version number and copyright

  14. 联合数字水印技术的应用提高了水印版权信息的安全性和冗余性。

    The application of watermark for joint ownership can improve the security and redundancy of watermark information .

  15. 在版权信息公开化的同时,极大地提高了整个架构运作的效率。

    It not only makes the intellectual property information public , but also highly improves the efficiency .

  16. 该水印方案不仅使得包含的版权信息量大,而且具有双重的安全性。

    The watermarking scheme not only contains volume the copyright information , but also has a double security .

  17. 水印模型通过网络传播后,拥有者可以完整提取出水印来证明版权信息并且可逆水印还能完整恢复原始模型。

    After the watermarked models are transmitted on internet , the owner can completely extract watermarks to prove copyright .

  18. 在选择光盘显示的语言之后,将显示版权信息和法律声明。

    After you have selected the language for the CD presentation , the copyright information and legal notice are displayed .

  19. 数字水印技术是一种将版权信息嵌入多媒体数据中的方法,已经被应用于解决这一问题。

    Digital watermarking , which is inserting copyright information into the data , has been proposed to solve the problem .

  20. 它是利用数字作品中普遍存在的冗余数据与随机性把版权信息嵌入到数字作品本身当中,从而起到保护数字作品版权的一种技术。

    It takes advantage of the redundant data and the randomicity to insert the copyright information into the digital work itself .

  21. 将含有版权信息的二值图像作为水印,利用混沌密码对其进行加密,水印方案具有双重的安全性。

    Firstly , we design a binary watermarking signal ad encrypted it by a chaotic sequence cipher before it is embedded .

  22. 但是,如果缺乏有效的措施来预防对数字信息内容的复制与传播,版权信息是极易被侵犯的。

    However , without effective methods which can prevent illicit redistribution and reproduction of information content , copyright can be easily infringed .

  23. 分析了打印扫描前后的近似不变量作为图像的特征,并以此作为零水印与证件信息编码形成的条码来完成版权信息的生成。

    The copyright information was made of the QR code which was come from the information of the credential and the zero-watermark .

  24. 认证端从接收的图像中提取水印并恢复版权信息,同时生成新的水印,比较提取的水印和新的水印定位篡改区域。

    The authenticator acquires the copyright information from the received watermarked image and indicates the specific locations that have been malicious manipulations .

  25. 将含有版权信息的灰度图像作为水印,利用分形技术对其进行特征提取,再利用对称加密算法对特征值进行加密。

    By using fractal technique , the characteristic data is obtained ; and then is encrypted by utilizing the symmetric encryption algorithm .

  26. 数字水印技术依据某种算法将某些不可感知的数字信息添加到载体文件中,并且接收方可以通过一定的方法将其提取出来作为版权信息的证明。

    This technology embeds some non-perception information into some carrier data , and the information can be extracted as a proof of copyright .

  27. 即将版权信息加密成二进制序列,重复嵌入文本中,水印嵌入的强度由用户决定。

    The method encrypts the copyright information into binary sequence for repeated embedding and the intensity of watermarking can be set by the user .

  28. 利用该方法既实现了对版权信息的直观有效标识、又构造出了具有较强鲁棒性的水印。

    By using this method we implement the direct and efficient indication of the copyright information , and construct the watermarking that has good robustness .

  29. 在页面底部,页脚区包含


    At the bottom of the page , the Footer area contains the copyright information inside the < footer > < / footer > tags .

  30. 根据版权信息新洋底是来自“二氧化硅,诺阿,美国海军,瓦,世界大洋深度图”。

    According to the copyright messages the new ocean floor is coming from " SIO , NOAA , US Navy , NGA , GEBCO " .