
  1. 威立版权代理公司(WylieAgency)的一位前雇员称,该公司的助理版权代理人的年薪在3万美元左右,通常每周工作50至60个小时,没有加班费。该公司的纽约分分公司通常有8至10位版权代理人。

    A former employee of the Wylie Agency said assistant literary agents there - usually eight to 10 in the New York office - typically earned in the $ 30000s and routinely worked 50 to 60 hours a week without overtime pay .

  2. 墨西哥的有机认证第二,版权代理机构。

    The Organic Certification Confirming of Mexico Second is the copyright agency .

  3. 在中介层面,要建立一批专业化的版权代理机构。

    In the intermediary stratification plane , establishes one batch of specialized the copyright proxy organization .

  4. 积极发展版权代理机构;

    Actively develop copyright agent ;

  5. 主要论述了版权代理机构的主要业务、工作流程和现状。

    It mainly elaborates the main service , the service flow and the present situation of the copyright agency .

  6. 图书版权代理事业方兴未艾,还有很多亟待改进的地方。

    Copyright agency is in the ascendant , there are lots of problems in it and need to be improved .

  7. 与此同时,芬兰的多家电视台正在同一些节目版权代理机构就未来版权使用费的收费标准展开谈判,在没有达成协议的情况下,他们不准备播出任何节目。

    Finnish broadcasters at the same time are in talks with copyright organisations on future copyright fees , holding back programmes .

  8. 图书版权代理市场一向被认为是成熟的图书出版市场上的一个必要环节,同时,图书版权贸易市场的繁荣跟图书版权代理市场是否活跃也息息相关。

    Agent market of book copyright ( AMBC ) has always been considered as a necessary part of publication market , and the prosperity of copyright trade is also closely related to it .

  9. 通过对成绩和问题的研究提出了影响图书版权贸易的因素:经济水平和产业规模、图书商业运作模式、文化背景差异、版权代理和专业人才。

    It also proposes the factors of influencing the copyright trade by analysis of the problems which are : economical level and industrial scale , books commercial operation pattern , cultural context difference , copyright proxy and specialized talented person .

  10. 国家版权行政管理部门或文化行政部门可以作为代表民间文学艺术来源群体行使和管理特殊版权的代理机构。

    The national copyright and culture administration departments may become the agent institutions on behalf of folklore original groups to exercise and manage the special copyright .