
  • 网络copyright export
  1. 第三章讨论图书版权输出策划。

    Chapter three introduces the elements of books copyright export .

  2. 最后,对清华大学出版社版权输出做了展望。

    An overview of the copyright export is presented in Tsinghua University Press .

  3. 此外,这章中还有对中国两个在版权输出方面比较成功的出版社的分析。

    In addition , it also analyzes two successful Chinese publishers in the field of export of book copyright .

  4. 近几年版权输出的动漫类图书主要有“马小跳系列”、“蔡志忠漫画系列”等。

    In recent years , the output of the animation of copyright books are " Ma small jump " series ," Tsai comic series " and so on .

  5. 《包拯传奇》经典漫画系列在版权输出方面带来不小的惊喜,其版权已经销售给法国、意大利、德国、西班牙等多个国家。

    " Bao Zheng Legends " classic cartoon series in the output of copyright bring no small surprise , its copyright has been sold to France , Italy , Germany , Spain and other countries .

  6. 版权的输出虽然不及引进,但也在逐年增长。

    The export is less than the import , but also increased year by year .

  7. 版权引进与输出利用的资源禀赋存在差异,采用的调节机制互不相同,在我国已经加入WTO的情况下,必须用正确的眼光看待和处理版权贸易逆差,促进我国版权经济的发展。

    The difference between the resources endow of copyright importation and exportation must be treated with developing and global attitude in the condition of having joined WTO .

  8. 版权引进与版权输出比例严重失调,造成版权贸易市场的畸形发展;

    The import of copyright and the export of copyright is out of proportion , that make copyright market develop lopsidedly .