
  • 网络Versioning;version;version management;Release Management
  1. 基于Release开发模型的软件版本管理解决方案

    Solution of Version Management Based on Release Module of Development

  2. 电子CAD框架系统的长事务处理和网络版本管理

    Long transaction processing and network version management within a ECAD framework system

  3. 基于STEP的并行产品开发信息集成及设计版本管理技术

    Step based information integration of concurrent product development and design management technology

  4. 具有版本管理及控制机制的CAD设计支撑环境

    A CAD Supporter Based on the Dynamic Version Management and Control System

  5. 应用供应(ApplicationProvisioning)-支持部署含有当前状态、日志及版本管理的应用包

    Application Provisioning-Support for deployment of packages including current status , logging and version management

  6. version是支持版本管理的仓库所必需的节点类型。

    Nt : version is a required node type for repositories that support versioning .

  7. PortfolioManager也提供版本管理。

    Portfolio Manager also provides version management .

  8. 跨不同的Eclipse版本管理这些插件可能是个麻烦。

    Managing these plug-ins across different versions of Eclipse can be a hassle .

  9. 对SOA中的更改的不同观点增加了服务版本管理在以下方面的挑战

    The different perspectives on change in SOA give rise to the challenge of service versioning , to

  10. 集成环境下PDM系统版本管理研究

    Study on Version Management for PDM System in Integrated Environment

  11. 最后使用UML建立了一个版本管理系统的面向对象模型。

    At last UML was used to build an object-oriented model of a version management system .

  12. 利用Delta文件管理工具实现产品数据设计版本管理。

    The Delta file management tool of STEP_Developer is used to enable product data management for design regeneration .

  13. 版本管理策略必须包括设计时和运行时两方面内容,同时应该通过SOA治理来强制执行。

    The versioning policies must comprise both design-time and run-time aspects , and should be enforced through SOA governance .

  14. 基于PDM的版本管理研究

    Version Management Based on PDM System

  15. 正如这篇文章所描述的,契约的版本管理和可组合性方面涉及了SOA成熟度级别的全部内容。

    As this article has shown , the aspects of contract versioning and composability cover the full spectrum of SOA maturity levels .

  16. 这篇文章则描述了那篇版本管理文章中推荐的契约设计策略与SOA成熟度模型是如何关联起来的。

    This article is about showing how the recommended contract design policies from the versioning article relate to a SOA Maturity Model .

  17. 如果希望使用不带WebSphereProcessServer扩展的标准BPEL,则本文档中描述的基于时间的版本管理将不受支持。

    If you want to use standard BPEL without the WebSphere Process Server extensions , time-based versioning as described in this document is not supported .

  18. 自2010年创立该项目以来,IBM是一个重要的贡献者,增添了新功能并改善了对版本管理的注重度。

    Since the project 's creation in 2010 , IBM has been a significant contributor , adding new capabilities and improving focus on release management .

  19. 假如我们选择了错误的方法去做,那么部署和版本管理以及JAR“地狱(hell)”会变得比目前还要难以处理。

    If we do it wrong , it will make deployment and version management and JAR hell even worse than it is now .

  20. 从实际工作出发,详细介绍了基于Release模型的版本管理解决方案,对软件配置管理工作的实践具有较强的指导作用。

    According to practice , this paper proposes a solution of version management based on release module of development in detail , which plays a guiding role in practice of version management .

  21. 虽然UCM有很多好处,比如版本管理和缺陷管理,但我们在Web应用上发现了不足之处。

    While UCM has many important benefits , such as version management and defect management , we have found Web application deployments to be inefficient .

  22. 它们同样是SOA治理的中心,在这里IT可以列出人为服务的拥有者,进行版本管理,保证遵从企业需求,等等。

    They are also centers of SOA governance , where IT can list human service owners , manage versioning , ensure compliance with enterprise requirements , and more .

  23. 基于J2EE平台的CSCA版本管理技术

    Edition Management Techniques in CSCA System Based on J2EE

  24. 企业SOA项目中依赖和版本管理及治理都在达成SOA利益过程中扮演着至关重要的角色,Felix能在企业级SOA实施中扮演什么样的角色呢?

    What role can Felix play in enterprise SOA initiatives where dependency and version management and governance play a vital role in achieving the SOA benefits ?

  25. 此外,质量模型数据应该包括有关状态性、访问、响应时间、版本管理、超时和其他SLAWeb服务可用性变量的数据。

    In addition , quality model data should include data on statefulness , access , response time , versioning , time out , and other SLA Web service availability variables .

  26. SLM和版本管理一起成为了管理“部署管理”能力的核心。

    Together with versioning , SLM is the core of the Administration " Deployment Management " capability .

  27. 在InfoQ发布的《契约的版本管理、兼容性和可组合性》一文中,涉及了SOA很多方面的内容,既涵盖了设计时和运行时的设计,又涵盖了治理。

    The Contract Versioning , Compatibility & Composability article at InfoQ covers a wide range of SOA aspects , both design-time and run-time design and governance aspects .

  28. 拥有服务和模式兼容性策略并不要求具备全面的版本管理和SLM能力。

    Having a service and schema compatibility policy is not dependent on doing full-fledged versioning and SLM capabilities .

  29. CVS诞生于1986年,当时作为一组shell脚本而出现,但它现在已经发展成了最流行的针对软件开发人员的源代码版本管理解决方案。

    CVS started out as a collection of shell scripts in1986 , but it has evolved into the most popular source code version management solution for software developers .

  30. 我推荐阅读InfoQ上的文章《契约的版本管理、兼容性和可组合性》,它将指导你如何实现这个高级能力。

    I recommend reading the Contract Versioning , Compatibility & Composability article at InfoQ for guidelines on how to implement this Advanced capability .