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  • test plan
  1. 要么关闭您的测试计划,要么简单的点击Home项以返回至默认的指示板。

    Either close your test plan or simply click the Home tab to return to the default dashboard .

  2. 在保存之后,您可以通过测试计划名字旁边的X

    After saving , you can close the test plan tab by clicking the X

  3. TestCasesbyPlan报告查询作为测试计划一部分的所有测试用例。

    The Test Cases by Plan report queries all test cases that are part of a test plan .

  4. 每个测试计划都以XML格式存储在一个后缀名为.jmx的文件中。

    Each of the test plans is saved in XML format in a file with a.jmx suffix .

  5. 它附带的测试计划范例包括Web测试计划,FTP测试计划,Webservice测试计划等等。

    Sample test plans include Web test plans , FTP test plans , Web service test plans , etc.

  6. 点击OK并保存您的测试计划。

    Click OK and save your test plan .

  7. RequirementsStatusbyExecution报告显示了测试计划中每个需求的工作项的状态。

    The Requirements Status by Execution report shows the status of the work items for each requirement in a test plan .

  8. RationalQualityManager默认包含对于测试计划执行的状态、趋势,和缺陷的报告。

    By default , Rational Quality Manager includes reporting on the status of test plan execution , on trends , and on defects .

  9. 参与beta测试计划是很棒的经历。

    Being involved in the beta program was a great experience .

  10. 选择OK就会在HP中创建测试计划,并将它与需求集合相链接。

    Choosing OK creates the test plan in HP and links it with the requirements collection .

  11. 这款软件是一种协作性的,基于Web的质量管理方案,它能够提供综合性的测试计划,双方测试,并能与自动测试工具相集成。

    It is a collaborative , Web-based , quality management solution that offers comprehensive test planning , manual testing , and integration with automated test tools .

  12. 从测试计划的下拉菜单之中,选择InsertTestCaseFolder选项以开始添加一个测试用例。

    From the drop-down menu of test plan , select the Insert Test Case Folder option to start adding a test case .

  13. 从测试计划的角度出发,该角度时候考虑RationalQualityManager可以怎样帮助您去计划使用自动化。

    From a test planning perspective , the last perspective to consider is how Rational Quality Manager can help you with your planning around the use of automation .

  14. 可以在同一个测试计划中添加普通SAP测试和SAP批量测试。

    You can add normal SAP tests and SAP batch tests in the same test schedule .

  15. 让我们把注意力转向PlanningTab,我们将会创建一个测试计划,它会引发所有的测试活动。

    Let 's move over to the Planning Tab , where we will create a test plan , which triggers all testing activities .

  16. RationalQualityManager拥有被称为测试计划的对象,为测试规划提供了可定制的模板,并提供工具和可视性到您的进程中。

    Rational Quality Manager has objects called test plans , provides customizable templates for test planning , and can provide metrics and visibility into your process against that plan .

  17. 图8中的子脚本定义了一个测试计划,其中包含一个采样程序和一个LoginUser的HTTP请求。

    The child script in Figure 8 defines a test plan that contains a sampler with an HTTP request for Login User .

  18. RationalQualityManager中包含的默认的测试计划模板提供了帮助您了解测试项目在哪,以及帮助您与其他人交流测试项目的许多特性。

    The default test plan template included in Rational Quality Manager provides several features that assist you both in knowing where the test project is and communicating it to others .

  19. 未来可能需要已存在的需求、缺陷记录、测试计划以及测试用例,或者需要继续处理,或者需要在RationalQualityManager中重复使用。

    Existing requirements , defect records , test plans , and test cases might be required in the future , either for ongoing work or reuse in Rational Quality Manager .

  20. 测试计划的状态现在被设置成Draft,而且您可以将测试计划转化为ReadyforReview状态。

    The state of the test plan is currently set to Draft , and you can transition the test plan to Ready for Review status .

  21. 在您保存测试计划之后,如果您点击GenerateNewTestEnvironments图标的话,您将会启动一个向导,该向导将会带您去生成一个初始的覆盖范围列表。

    After you save your test plan , if you click the Generate New Test Environments icon , you launch a wizard that walks you through generating the initial coverage list .

  22. 在此场景中,需求管理应用程序要求HP适配器提供一个对话框来创建测试计划。

    In this scenario , the requirements management application asks the HP adapter to provide a dialog for test plan creation .

  23. 附录A:按照RUP和TMap的主测试计划

    Appendix A : Master test plan according to RUP and TMap

  24. RUP对整个项目使用一个主测试计划,对每个迭代使用一个迭代测试计划。

    RUP uses a master test plan for the overall project and an iteration test plan per iteration .

  25. 在图6所示的测试计划中,RegisterCustomer被定义为一个单独的模块,被放置在WorkBench部分中。

    In the test plan shown in Figure 6 , Register Customer is defined as a separate module and placed in the WorkBench section .

  26. 测试计划、测试用例,以及被配置的测试用例(CTC)记录都拥有一个Owner域。

    Test plan , test case , and configured test case ( CTC ) records all have an Owner field .

  27. 详细测试计划原则现在也整合到了SOMA[1]当前版本之中,SOMA是一种IBM方法。

    Detailed test planning guidelines are also now integrated within current releases of SOMA [ 1 ] , an IBM methodology .

  28. JMeter提供一个基于GUI的应用程序,用于设计和执行多种可重用的测试计划。

    JMeter provides a GUI-based application to design and execute a variety of reusable test plans .

  29. 单击OK后,HP适配器就会创建该测试计划,并向需求管理应用程序返回新计划的URL。

    When you click OK , the HP adapter creates the test plan and returns the URL of the new plan to the requirements management application .

  30. TMap的主测试计划可以比作RUP的主测试计划。

    TMap 's master test plan can be compared to RUP 's master test plan .