
  1. 版权质押是债务人或第三人以其享有的作品版权中的财产权设置质权,以对债务进行担保的法律行为。

    Copyright pledge is a kind of legal activity that a debtor or a third party disposes its rights in the copyright work as pledge to guarantee the repayment of debts .

  2. 本章首先总结了我国目前的电影作品版权质押实践中存在的包括担保立法、版权立法等方面在内的问题,并提出了包括政府、电影产业参与者、贷款人参与在内的立体完善机制。

    In Chapter five , the author firstly summarized problems contained in the film copyright pledge , which include problems in security laws and copyright laws , and put forward improvement solutions involved the participations of government , the players in the film industry and the debtors .

  3. 本文的第四部分主要阐述了银行和电影之间的博弈,即以电影产品版权价值为质押产品的博弈。通过对此博弈均衡的求解和分析提出了银行和电影企业之间应该采取的相对性措施。

    The fourth part focuses on the game based on the value of the film copyright between the bank and the film company , and presents counter-measures by solving this game equilibrium .