
  • 网络Marginal revenue;Marginal Benefit;contribution margin
  1. 具有边际收益递增特性的DEA模型求解方法

    A method to resolve DEA model with increasing marginal revenue

  2. 在贪心阶段,NPG算法通过每一轮提前对当前种子集合进行传播,得到当前的激活集合,避免对集合中的节点计算边际收益,大大减少了重复的计算量,提高了贪心阶段的效率。

    In greedy phase , optimization algorithms through each round advance to spread the seeds of the current collection , get the current active set , to avoid the collection node computing marginal revenue , greatly reducing the amount of repetitive calculations , improving the efficiency of greedy stage .

  3. 我们每天都要习惯于将人类想作“经济行为人”(economicagents):完全利己、不停地计算成本和收益、对边际收益和损失高度敏感。

    We are daily conditioned to think of human beings as " economic agents " : as purely self-interested , endlessly calculating costs and benefits and highly sensitive to marginal gains and losses .

  4. 针对DEA模型应用的局限性,提出创新可能集及相关概念,并在此基础上构造边际收益特性的识别方法和高技术产业技术创新效率的评价方法。

    Base on these conceptions , we present the methods to identify the marginal return characteristics and to evaluate the technological innovation efficiency in high-tech industry .

  5. 本文利用FDI边际收益和边际成本分析法,对当前我国FDI的吸收能力进行了研究,提出了我国FDI的最优吸收规模,对我国FDI的引进提出了建议。

    This paper studies China 's absorbability of FDI using a marginal income-cost approach , and puts forward an optimized FDI absorbing scale desirable for China . Some suggestion are also proposed in the paper for improving China 's FDI introduction .

  6. 此外,通过对二阶段序列DEA模型的扩展,新的效率评价法不仅考虑每个阶段的边际收益特性,并且考虑系统内部各子系统效率及其对系统整体效率的影响程度。

    In addition , through the expansion of two-stage sequence DEA model , the new evaluation method can not only consider the marginal return characteristics in each stage but also consider the impact of the internal structure in technological innovation in the whole process .

  7. 在考虑氮肥利用率的基础上运用边际收益分析原理得出140~200kg?hm-2可能是浙北高肥力稻田较理想的施氮水平。

    Considering the N use efficiency and theory of marginal profit analysis , the 140-200 kg · hm ~ ( - 2 ) could be a reasonable range of nitrogen application for the high-yielding paddy field in northern Zhejiang Province .

  8. 网络经济的边际收益递增律刍议

    Discussion on the Law of Increasing Marginal Revenue of Networks Economy

  9. 对竞争企业而言,边际收益等于物品的价格。

    The goal of a competitive firm is to maximize profit .

  10. 高校科研投入产出关系中的边际收益递增现象

    Increasing marginal revenue in input-output analysis on scientific research in universities

  11. 论知识的边际收益递增与经济的持续增长

    On Marginal Gradual Income Increase of Knowledge and Continuous Growth of Economy

  12. 行为的最优边界在于边际收益等于边际成本。

    The optimal border of behavior is that marginal return equals marginal cost .

  13. 画出垄断者的需求曲线、边际收益曲线和边际成本曲线。

    Draw the demand , marginal-revenue , and marginal-cost curves for a monopolist .

  14. 对一项民间习惯规则的边际收益分析

    Analysis to An Marginal Benefit of a Customary Rule

  15. 边际收益递减规律与图书馆藏书发展

    On the Relationship between Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns and Library Collection Development

  16. 边际收益能成为负值吗?

    Can marginal revenue ever be negative ? Explain .

  17. 然而,这种简单的算法忽略了一种抵消效应:边际收益递减。

    Yet this simple arithmetic ignores an offsetting effect : diminishing marginal returns .

  18. 该需求曲线也绘制出了边际收益。

    The demand curve also plots what is known as marginal revenue ( MR ) .

  19. 为何垄断者的边际收益低于其产品价格?

    Why is a monopolist 's marginal revenue less than the price of its good ?

  20. 边际收益是指每多销售一个单位的产品而获得的额外收益。

    Marginal revenue is the additional revenue obtained from selling one more unit of output .

  21. 只要公共物品的边际收益大于其边际成本,市场就存在着自愿供给公共物品的动力。

    When profits of public goods excel costs , there exists the motivation of voluntary supply .

  22. 一方面,利用边际收益、企业财务管理的理论,得出客户当前价值和潜在价值的计算公式,建立客户价值的二维时间模型;

    The second one is to get the customer value planar-time model with margin and financial theory ;

  23. 提高证明标准,边际收益递减,边际成本递增。

    With the raising of proof criterion , the marginal revenue increases and the marginal cost decreases .

  24. 其本质却是网络效应引发的边际收益递增和知识自我积累。

    In essence , the rule of increasing marginal revenue and the knowledge self-accumulation is the actual reason .

  25. 当一家公司聘用其预期边际收益所产生的工人超过了工人工资。

    A firm hires a worker when its expected marginal revenue generated by the worker exceeds her wage .

  26. 并且,当垄断厂商定价考虑其拥有的调价期权的价值时,除一些特殊情形外,边际收益等于边际成本,不再适用垄断厂商的定价决策。

    Marginal revenue is no longer equal to marginal cost except some special cases when pricing-adjusting option is considered .

  27. 这一指标反映了饲养动物达到出栏重量时的边际收益或亏损。

    These serve as indicators of the profit margin or lack of profit in feeding animals to market weight .

  28. 从分析的目的上来说,关注边际收益和边际成本曲线会更重要些。

    For analytical purposes , it is more important to focus on the marginal revenue and marginal cost curves .

  29. 在边际收益有限的情况下,性能卓越但成本高昂的计算机网络手段存在更为突出的最后一公里问题,有成本优势的技术创新得到优先使用;

    Limited by the marginal return , the innovation of techniques which have cost advantages is taken place at first .

  30. 理解真实世界各种现象和行为之道,在于寻找影响成本和收益的约束条件。考虑了所有的约束条件,经济总是有效率的,边际收益总是等于边际成本,私人成本与社会成本没有分离。

    The efficiency of economy could be realized if marginal cost equals marginal benefit and social cost equals private cost .