
  • 网络Marginalism
  1. 从边际主义经济学的先驱看边际革命的产生

    Boundary Control The Pioneers of Marginalist Economics and the Origin of the Marginal Revolution

  2. 该文从边际主义经济学的先驱入手,对边际革命产生的原因提出了新的见解,即认为边际革命是多学科交叉共振与一系列主客观因素高度统一的结果。

    Starting from the pioneers of marginalist economics , this paper puts up new arguments , i. e. , the marginal revolution is the result of the interaction of multi-disciplinary subjects and the integration of subjective and objective factors .

  3. 边际学派和马克思主义经济学在价值概念上的联系

    Marginalism and Marxism : the Relationship in the Concept of Value