
  • 网络openness;degree of openness
  1. 而且对外开放度指数和GDP指数之间存在长期均衡关系。

    And , there is some long-run equilibrium relation tying openness index and GDP index .

  2. 国家规模、对外开放度与汇率制度的选择&基于福利的数量分析

    Country Scale , Openness and the Choice of Exchange-Rate Regime

  3. 我国加入WTO以来,我国市场对外开放度越来越大。

    Ever since China joined WTO , the opening degree of the market has been improved .

  4. 研究结果表明:对外开放度每增长1个百分点,GDP增加0.31个百分点。

    The results show that : GDP will increase 0.31 % with 1 % increasing of level of opening up to the world .

  5. 经济上较大的对外开放度。东盟地区论坛(ARF)是亚太地区第一个官方的多边安全合作机制,基本上是按照东盟方式运行。

    ARF is an official cooperative mechanism of multi-lateral security and is operated through the ASEAN Way .

  6. 上海对外开放度与经济实力的比较分析

    Comparative Studies of the Opening Degree and Economic Strength of Shanghai

  7. 对外开放度与地区经济增长的实证分析

    The Experimental Analysis of the Degree of Opening up and Economic Growth

  8. 吉林省对外开放度及其提升对策研究

    A Study on the JiLin Economic Opening Rate and Its Promoting Policy

  9. 论对外开放度的度量

    On the Degree to Which Opening to the Outside World Is Conducted

  10. 辽宁省对外开放度的测算与比较研究

    Calculation and Comparative Study on Economic Openness in Liaoning

  11. 河南外向型经济区域差异及对外开放度空间格局研究

    Regional Difference of Out-Oriented Economy and Spatial Pattern of Opening Rate in Henan Province

  12. 中国经济的对外开放度与适度外债规模

    Degree of openess to foreign of Chinese economy and moderate amount of foreign debts

  13. 中部六省对外开放度的实证研究:2000-2007

    Empirical Study on Opening of Six Central Provinces : Based on Data of 2000-2007

  14. 中国银行业对外开放度测评及理性开放策略研究

    On Optimal Opening Up Level and Rational Opening Up Strategies for China 's Banking Sector

  15. 对外开放度是衡量某一国家或某一区域经济对外开放程度的综合性指标。

    Meanwhile , the correlation is significant between the economic opening rate and the economic growth .

  16. 结果表明:我国的实际产出、对外开放度、实际资本存量与就业人口之间,至少存在单向的因果关系;

    The empirical result proves that at least one-direction Granger-causality exists in real GDP , degree of openness , real capital and labor ;

  17. 尤其对于产业集群的类别,创新性地从成熟度和对外开放度二维角度进行划分,作为之后现状分析的理论基础。

    As the theoretical basis of status analysis , types of industrial cluster are creatively classified from the degree of maturity and open-up .

  18. 因此,在研究国家对外开放度或对其进行国际比较的时候,应选择与所分析国家经济联系紧密的指标。

    Consequently , we should choose the appropriate index to study openness and do the international comparison , which is most relative to the corresponding country .

  19. 从长期来看,变量之间存在一种稳定的均衡关系,对外开放度越高,经济增长越快;

    There is a long-term steady equilibrium relationship in the above variables ; the higher the degree of openness , the greater the economics growth is ;

  20. 第三部分在研究现有文献的基础上,构建了我国银行业的对外开放度和经营效率两方面的测度指标和方法。

    Third , on the basis of analysis above , this paper gives a quantitative measure of opening up level and operational efficiency of Chinese banking .

  21. 结果表明,山东省对外开放度提高很快,但低于全国平均水平及其他沿海省份;

    The results indicate that : Shandong degree of opening up has been growing fast , but stays low compared with national average and other coastal provinces .

  22. 本文通过对当前新一轮宏观经济波动特征的分析,发现随着中国经济对外开放度的日益提高,汇率政策对宏观经济的运行已具有越来越重要的影响。

    Based on analysis on recent macroeconomic characteristics , the paper finds foreign exchange rate policy has increasing impact on macroeconomic performance with growingly opened China economy .

  23. 本文通过建立对外开放度内生化的生产函数,运用协整方法,对我国对外开放与经济增长的关系进行了实证分析。

    Through building production function of endogenous degree of openness and using the cointegration theory , this paper investigates the relationship between openness and economic growth in China .

  24. 当前随着人民币自由兑换进程和资本市场对外开放度的提高,我国目前的汇率制度又一次面临着挑战和选择。

    Now with the push of RMB 's free exchange and capital market open-up , the exchange rate regime of our country is faced with challenge and choice for another time .

  25. 在国际经济多元化、产业一体化与全球化的今天,世界各国各地区之间经济关联日益复杂,使得一个国家或地区经济的对外开放度与该国或地区的经济紧密性越来越大。

    In the international diversification of economy , industrial integration and globalization , the relationship between opening up and its own economy in all countries and regions becomes tighter and tighter .

  26. 随着经济的发展,中部地区对外开放度和贸易依存度越来越大,中部企业也越来越深地卷入国际市场。

    With economic development , the opening degree and dependence on the foreign trade are growing in central region , the central enterprises are also increasingly deeply involved in the international market .

  27. 实证研究表明:人民币均衡汇率的基本面经济变量是贸易条件、对外开放度、政府支出;

    Through an empirical study , it shows : Terms of trade , degree of opening-up to the outside and government expenditure are the economic variables which determine RMB 's equilibrium rate of exchange ;

  28. 证明货物贸易出口额和对外开放度对江苏省对外劳务输出有正向积极影响。

    By observing the extent of influence listed above , we drawed the conclusion that the scale of cargo trade and degree of opening up showed positive effect on labor services export in Jiangsu Province .

  29. 但与沿海地区相比,重庆的对外开放度低,外贸出口和引进外资的总量都很小。

    But compared with the coastal areas , the layer level of opening to the outside world of Chongqing is so low , the volumes of exports and the foreign investment are all very small .

  30. 以普遍主义作为我国国际私法法制建设的指导思想,加大国际私法改革中的对外开放度。

    To enlarge the openness to foreign countries in the reform of international private law by using " universalism " as the guideline for the construction of legal system in respect of international private law .