
  • 网络Junichi Watanabe;Watanabe Junichi
  1. 渡边淳一小说思想特质论

    On Idea Characteristic of Watanabe Junichi 's Novels

  2. 浅议渡边淳一的男女小说&以其性爱情结为中心

    On the " Novels About Men and Women " of Watanabe Junichi & With a Focus on the " Sexual Love Complex "

  3. 渡边淳一作为著名的恋爱小说作家,塑造了许多风情万种的女性形象。

    As a famous love-story novelist , Junnichi Wantanabe has created a variety of female images .

  4. 直面死的真实&试论渡边淳一早期作品中虚无主义思想特质的形成

    Confronted with the Truth of Death & A Brief Discussion on the Formation of Nihilism in the Early Works of Junichi Watanabe

  5. 日本作家渡边淳一的《失乐园》曾引起许多读者的关注,但一般都仅仅把它看作是叙述一个婚外情的故事。

    The Lost Paradise has abstracted the attention of many readers , but the ordinary people just regard it as a story of extramarital love .

  6. 这些女性在渡边淳一的小说世界中占有重要的位置,但也应当注意,这个世界还是以男性为中心的。

    These female images take an important role in his novels , while what should be noticed is that male image is still at central status in his novels .

  7. 渡边淳一是日本当代文坛的著名作家,他的作品着重表现了事业有成后的日本中年男子在现代社会中的彷徨和无奈,展现了人性与现代社会伦理道德的矛盾冲突。

    Watanabe Junichi is a renowned writer of Japan . His novel displayded emphatically , in modern society , the oscillation of the Japaneses middle age and the conflict between the human nature and the ethic or morality of the modern society .