
  1. 尽管一些经济学家表示,“脱钩”的说法有些夸大其词,但其他人则为这种观点提供了证据:欧盟(eu)今年超过美国,成为最大的中国出口目的地;此外,亚洲地区内部贸易正迅猛增长。

    Though some economists say the decoupling notion is exaggerated , others cite evidence for the view in the European Union passing the US this year as the biggest destination for Chinese exports , and rapidly rising intra-Asian trade .

  2. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)的李金沃(jongwha-lee)表示,近年来地区内部贸易的大幅攀升,掩盖了这样一个事实:亚洲商品最终需求的60%都来自发达国家。

    Jong wha-lee of the Asian Development Bank says a sharp rise over recent years in intra-regional trade disguises the fact that 60 per cent of final demand for Asian goods comes from developed countries .

  3. 我们对地区内部的旅游和贸易也很感兴趣。

    We 're also interested in intraregional tourism and intraregional trade .

  4. 这些措施缓和了硬着陆担忧。考虑到亚洲地区内部日益紧密的贸易与金融联系,如果中国经济发生硬着陆,新兴市场投资者就会争先恐后地将资金转移到避险资产。

    That has blunted fears of a hard landing , a scenario that would send emerging-market investors rushing to havens , given the region 's ever-closer trading and financial ties .