
  • 网络Property stocks
  1. 主板包含万科集团(ChinaVanke)等地产股,以及电子产品生产商中兴(ZTE)等消费品公司。

    Its main board features property stocks , such as China Vanke , and consumer-related companies such as electronics manufacturer ZTE .

  2. 然而,股票分析师对地产股似乎有不同看法。

    Equity analysts , however , seem to see property stocks differently .

  3. REITs与地产股股票市场之间的互动关系分析对于投资者理性投资,把握实体经济与虚拟经济之间的互动关系具有一定启示意义。

    And the synergistic relationship between REITs and real estate stocks has great significance for the rational investor to grasp the relationship between real economy and fictitious economy .

  4. 在香港市场,地产股昨日出现最大幅度的跳水。

    In Hong Kong , property shares took the biggest dive .

  5. 地产股仍整体跑输大盘。

    Property stocks still lose the overall running large .

  6. 地产股周一大幅下挫。

    Shares of property developers were sharply lower Monday .

  7. 息口敏感的地产股亦表现疲弱。

    Interest rate sensitive property counters were also weak .

  8. 同时对地产股也看好。

    We also continue to be overweight property .

  9. 个股普遍下跌,金融、大宗商品和房地产股受挫尤重。

    A broad sell-off yesterday saw financial , commodity and property stocks particularly hard hit .

  10. 人们担心银行可能收紧对地产业的放贷,这也加剧了地产股的跌势。

    Concerns that banks are reining in lending to the property sector have also fueled the decline .

  11. 股市上涨的部分原因是受到了人民币进一步升值预期的刺激,地产股领涨。

    The rally was partly spurred by expectations of further appreciation of the renminbi and led by property stocks .

  12. 迄今为止,地产股是唯一降至上次衰退低点的板块。

    So far , real estate is the only sector marked down to the lows reached during the last recession .

  13. 巴克莱表示,在其分析的地产股中,当前估值比预测资产净值平均折让三分之一以上。

    Barclays says that the stocks it covers are on an average discount to forecast net asset value of over one-third .

  14. 这一系列的起起伏伏对股票市场上的房地产股也起到了直接或者间接的影响。

    The series of ups and downs also played a direct or indirect influence on the real-estate unit in the stock market .

  15. 因中国央行未出台更大幅度降息而引发的失望情绪,令地产股和金融股等受到最沉重的打击。

    Property and financial stocks were among the hardest hit by disappointment that the PBoC had not opted for a bigger rate cut .

  16. 亚洲股市昨日普遍下跌,其中香港地产股和大宗商品股领跌,市场情绪受到了来自北京的悲观论调的影响。

    Asian equities fell with Hong Kong property stocks and commodity producers leading the decline as sentiment was weighed by bearishness from Beijing .

  17. 地产股领跌,因投资者担忧政府将采取进一步措施,收紧货币政策以对抗通胀。

    Among the biggest losers were property stocks amid worries that the government would take further steps to tighten monetary policy to combat inflation .

  18. 在这10年中,市场已变得越来越容易产生泡沫从高科技泡沫到地产股泡沫,再到中国泡沫。

    And in that decade , markets have grown ever more prone to bubbles from the tech bubble to housing stocks , to China .

  19. 杜劲松建议,投资者应当降低中国地产股配置的“权重”,但他没有给出具体的预测。

    Mr Du recommended that investors should be " underweight " on Chinese property stocks , though he declined to give a specific forecast .

  20. 不同于在整个市场面实证研究得出的小规模效应,我国地产股存在大规模效应,这种效应的产生源于房地产行业独特的经营模式和较为紧张的融资现状。

    Real estate stocks exists " mass effect ", this effect is emerged as a result of the real estate industry unique business and financing models .

  21. 本文的研究结果表明,热钱流入股市投机地产股显著推动地产股价上涨,地产股价上涨又刺激地价上涨。地价上涨进一步引起股价上涨。

    This dissertation shows that the speculation of hot money in stock market obviously stimulates property stock price , high property stock price also triggers growth of land price .

  22. 通常情况下,市场出现这些异常情况,是因为股价已有好一阵子没有对坏消息做出反应,例如房地产股,或者是因为一些股票在强势上涨后遭到抛售。

    Often these anomalies are because share prices have been discounting bad news for some time , for example property , or because companies are being dumped after strong runs .

  23. 越南股市周一下跌了2.2%,这主要是房地产股的抛售引发的。此前,越南国有媒体报道暗示说,房地产开发商正在试图降价以提振公寓销售。

    Vietnam shares fell 2.2 % Monday , led by selling in property-related stocks after state media reports suggested real-estate developers are trying to cut prices to boost sales of apartments .

  24. 去年大部分时间,在上海和香港上市的中国地产股都在下跌,但进入今年以来开始飙升,有些涨幅竟高达70%。

    After falling for much of last year , shares in Chinese developers listed in Shanghai and Hong Kong have soared this year , some climbing by as much as 70 per cent .

  25. 上证综指上涨1%,报收于13个月高点3328.49点。投资者因对经济前景感到日益乐观而纷纷买入银行股和地产股。

    The Shanghai Composite index gained 1 per cent to a 13-month high of 3, 328.49 points as investors flocked towards bank and property stocks amid growing optimism over the economy 's prospects .

  26. 而市净率等其它指标目前也基本上不比那时更有诱惑力。迄今为止,地产股是唯一降至上次衰退低点的板块。

    Other indicators , such as price / book value , are scarcely more tempting now . So far , real estate is the only sector marked down to the lows reached during the last recession .

  27. 对上证综指、深证成指以及上证工业股指数、上证商业股指数、上证地产股指数、上证公用事业股指数共六个股票指数的收益序列进行了实证分析,说明了该方法的有效性和可行性。

    The effectiveness and feasibility of the method are proved by the analysis of the return series of six indexes which are Shanghai composite stock , Shenzhen component stock , Shanghai industrial stock , Shanghai commercial stock , Shanghai property stock and Shanghai utility stock . 4 .

  28. 自今年年初以来,在香港上市的中国地产类股已下跌40%,而基准的恒生指数(HangSengIndex)同期内的跌幅为22%。

    Since the start of the year , Chinese property stocks listed in Hong Kong have declined 40 per cent , compared to a 22 per cent fall in the benchmark Hang Seng index .

  29. 中国房地产类股昨日也面临重大抛售压力。

    Chinese real estate stocks also came under heavy selling pressure .

  30. 基准的沪深300指数暴跌8.11%,收于3206.56点,银行及地产类股领跌。

    The benchmark CSI 300 index plunged 8.11 % to 3206.56 , with banks and property developers leading the decline .