
chū hǎi
  • be out;go to sea;put out to sea
出海 [chū hǎi]
  • (1) [go to sea]∶船只离开停泊地点驶往海上

  • 出海捕鲸

  • (2) [be out]∶到海上活动、工作

  • 当他们出海三天之后,天气转晴了

出海[chū hǎi]
  1. 相信有暴乱的船长是不会出海的。说完他走了。

    No captain could go to sea believing that.And he went away .

  2. 假若要起风,就不要出海。

    If a gale threatens , do not go to sea .

  3. 格雷斯又划着船出海了。

    Grace rowed the boat out to sea again .

  4. 船只全都出海了。

    The boats are all out at sea .

  5. 出海一周后,重新踏上陆地感到很愉快。

    After a week at sea , it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again .

  6. 服务沿海地区的地方广播电台经常为驾驶游艇出海的人播报天气预报。

    Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen

  7. 他们已经出海去捕鲭鱼。

    They 'd gone out to fish for mackerel .

  8. 渔夫们冒着汹涌的海浪出海了。

    The fishermen set off in mountainous seas .

  9. 是金钱驱使这些渔民驾着破旧小船冒险出海远航。

    It 's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats

  10. 风和日丽,正是扬帆出海的黄道吉日。

    With favorable weather conditions it was an auspicious moment to set sail .

  11. 货轮已经出海。

    The freighter has put out to sea .

  12. 他们都已出海。

    They are all out at sea .

  13. 即使是最恶劣的天气,他们也被迫出海。

    Even in the dirtiest weather , they were driven to go out to sea .

  14. 明天早上如果不刮暴风,渔船就出海打鱼。

    The fishing boats will put out to sea if the storm keeps off tomorrow morning .

  15. 他们冒险出海。

    They ventured on the sea .

  16. 哈利出海时,把东西都装了箱,放在了仓库里。

    When Harry went to sea , his things were boxed up and put in the storeroom .

  17. 例句我母亲说,父亲想要在退休后扬帆出海、环游世界的计划只是白日做梦。

    My mother says my father 's plan to sail around the world in his retirement1 is just a pipe dream .

  18. 脂肪摄入量偏高,维生素C呈阶段性缺乏。随出海时间延长,维生素A,B2和C不足程度逐渐加重。

    Vitamin A , B 2 and C deficiency became worse along with the prolongation of navigation .

  19. GPS技术在崖门5000t级出海航道疏浚工程中的应用

    Application of GPS Technique in Yamen 5000 DWT Seaward Waterway Dredging Engineering

  20. 在第二层,使用基于Hough变换的检测算法检测出海天线区域。

    In the second layer , sea-sky-line is detected with kernel-based Hough transformation algorithm in the sea-sky-line region .

  21. 希德的姥姥(Sid'sgrandmother):她在不小心偷渡上船、与Manny一行人出海后,就成为整个冒险不可或缺的一部分。

    Sid 's grandmother becomes a lage part of the adventure after accidentallystowing away on the barge with Manny and the gang as they head out to sea .

  22. 方法用艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)、棒框仪对被试者于出海作业前进行测试,用晕船症状评分量表于被试者出海作业返回后进行评估。

    Methods Before sailing , the subjects were tested with EPQ and rod and frame apparatus , and were asked to fill in Seasickness Symptom Checklist after sailing .

  23. 历史上的今天:第19号飞行1945年的今天,神秘的“第19号飞行”,美国海军5架TBF—3鱼雷攻击机从福特·劳德达海军机场起飞进行出海训练飞行,在百慕大魔鬼三角区失踪。

    Flight 19 1945 - Flight 19 , a squadron of five U.S. Navy TBF Avenger bombers on a training flight out of Fort Lauderdale , is lost in the Bermuda Triangle .

  24. 研发F-35这样的一些大型军事硬件设备就像出海打鱼,出发前得先在水里试试新装备性能如何,以便捞到尽可能多的收获。

    Some large-scale military hardware projects , like the F-35 , seem to be nothing more than fishing trips designed to test the waters for new equipment and make as much money as possible .

  25. 过几天他就出海了。

    In a few days he would be off to sea .

  26. 我们出海时,海上风平浪静。

    The sea was calm at the beginning of our voyage .

  27. 出海的汽船.在他心中激起了狂热且痛苦的渴望

    The oceangoing steamers ... roused in him wild and painful longings

  28. 一次出海快速发展气旋的动力学及中尺度结构特征分析

    Forcing Mechanisms and Mesoscale Structures of An Rapidly Developing Extratropical Cyclone

  29. 你和你深爱的人是不会各自单独扬帆出海的!

    The two of you won 't be setting sail alone !

  30. 不要坐那只小船冒险出海。

    Don 't venture on the sea in that little boat .