
  • 网络low heat value fuel
  1. 低热值燃料稳定燃烧的研究现状与进展

    Research and Development of Stable Combustion Using Low Heat Value Fuel

  2. 燃气-蒸汽联合循环的低热值燃料热经济性分析

    The Thermal Efficiency Analysis of Low Heat Value Fuel in the Gas-steam Combined Cycle Installation

  3. 低热值燃料在钢包高温快速烘烤工艺中的应用

    The Application of Low-Calorific-Value Fuel in High-Temperature Rapid Baking of Ladle

  4. 低热值燃料发电企业发展热电联产的探讨植物热值的测定

    Fuel cell the measurement of calorific values to plant material

  5. 低热值燃料对微型燃气轮机运行特性的影响

    Influence of Low-heating-value Fuels on the Operating Characteristics of a Miniature Gas Turbine

  6. 燃用超低热值燃料的燃气轮机及其热力分析

    A Super-low heating-value-fuel-fired Gas Turbine and Its Thermodynamic Analysis

  7. 燃烧中低热值燃料时燃气轮机系统的应对方案及其性能分析

    Adjustment Strategy and Performance Analysis of Gas Turbine System When Burning Medium and Low Heat Value Fuel

  8. 某型燃气轮机燃烧中低热值燃料随环境温度变化的控制规律分析

    System performance analysis and control strategy study of gas turbine burning syngas fuel with variation of ambient temperature

  9. 燃烧高水分低热值燃料的内旋流流化床燃烧技术研究

    The Study of the Internal Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Technology for Burning High Moisture and Low Heating Value Fuels

  10. 并进一步研究了基于多轴燃气轮机的中低热值燃料湿化和注蒸汽联合循环热力性能。

    Based on the gas turbine models , thermodynamic performance of fuel humidified and steam injected combined cycle is studied .

  11. 富源低热值燃料热电公司在电厂初步设计过程中贯彻了煤炭资源综合利用、热电联产、循环经济等理念;

    Firstly , the idea of comprehensive coal utilization , co-production of thermoelectricity and implemented in the preliminary design for the power plant ;

  12. 充分利用低热值燃料,是解决我国煤炭供应紧张状况的重要课题之一。

    Making full use of low calorific value fuels is one of the important subjects for solving the stringent supply of coals in our country .

  13. 随着现代工业不断地发展,煤矿瓦斯气,工业废气等低热值燃料的量越来越多。

    With the continuous development of modern industry , the amount of low calorific value fuel such as coal mine methane gas and industrial emissions are more and more .

  14. 以两段法等制作的普通煤气及化工、冶金企业中含可燃组分的废气等,都是低热值燃料。

    The coal gases came from two-stage gasification process and the exhaust gases containing combustible components from chemical and metallurgical industries are all low heating value ( LHV ) gas streams .

  15. 实现了在高、低热值燃料供热比为21:79,热值为1200kJ/kg的低热值褐煤热解气的稳定燃烧。

    Under that conditions , the pyrolysis gas , which calorific value is 1200kJ / kg can combust stability , the heat providing rate between high and low calorific value gas is 21:79 .

  16. 发电用燃气轮机通常以天然气或轻柴油为设计燃料,改烧热值较低的中低热值燃料气后,面临着性能预测、通流匹配等问题。

    Natural gas or light diesel is usually used as design fuel for gas turbine . Changing to burn medium and low heating value fuel will face flow matching problem due to the low heating value .

  17. 模拟改烧不同的中低热值燃料时燃机性能的变化及不同通流调整措施对燃机热力性能的影响。

    The paper analyzes gas turbine performance changes when burning medium and low heating value fuel and the influence of different flow adjustment on gas turbine thermodynamic performance to meet maximum power limit and compressor surge margin .

  18. 但如果天然气中含有过多的低热值燃料或惰性气体(但仍符合我国的天然气成分标准),则同时对动力性和排放特性产生明显的影响。

    If there is too much inert gases or the fuel whose heat value too lower ( but it still accords with natural gas standard for vehicle ) , the power performance and exhaust emission characteristic were markedly influenced synchronously .

  19. 燃用低热值燃料的沸腾炉因其沸腾层燃烧份额的变化而影响正常运行,且给调试、运行带来困难。

    The normal operation of a boiler burning the fuel of low calorific value is usually affected by the change of the combustion fraction in the fluidization zone , and thereby some difficulties will occur in the process of boiler adjusting and operating .

  20. 计算结果表明,燃机改烧中低热值燃料气后,功率增加、喘振裕度下降、高温部件寿命缩短,需要进行通流调整。

    The results show that , when the gas turbine is converted to use coal fuel gas with mid-low heat value , the power output increases , the surge margin decreases , the working lifetime of the high-temperature parts decreases , and throughflow adjustment is required .

  21. 在低热值气体燃料中掺入氢气能够有效降低CO和HC排放,但同时会大幅的增加NOx排放。

    Hydrogen addition can decrease CO and HC emissions effectively , but the amount NOx emission increases obviously meanwhile .

  22. 低热值气体燃料缸内主要污染物NOX、CO的分布具有明显的规律性,甲醛生成量相比常规排放物小两个数量级。

    The normal exhaust emissions like NOX , CO have clear distribution regularity in cylinder . The amount of CH2O is two order of magnitudes lower than that of normal emissions .

  23. 低热值气体燃料发动机燃烧特性试验研究

    Experimental Study on Combustion Characteristics of a Lower-Heat-Value Gas Engine

  24. 本文受到了国家自然科学基金资助项目低热值气体燃料发动机燃烧稳定性的基础研究的支持,项目编号50676008。

    This article is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation funded project " basic research on low calorific value gas fuel engine combustion stability " . Project number : 50676008 .

  25. 叙述了一种根据有限的燃气成分推算燃烧室出口高温燃气温度的计算方法,并分析了燃气成分测量误差、燃料低热值、燃料成分及燃料温度等对燃气温度的影响。

    This paper describes how to calculate the temperature of high-temp gas at the outlet of combustor by means of limited gas composition and analyses how errors in measuring gas composition , low calorific value of fuel , fuel composition and fuel temperature , etc. affect gas temperature .

  26. 污泥发热量的测量得出污泥的热值为8.02kJ/kg,从而判定出污泥可归为一种低热值的劣质燃料。

    From the measure of calorifacient quantity of sludge we can get that the quantity of heat is 8.65kJ/kg . So we can determinant that sludge is a kind of low quantity of heat fuel .

  27. 通过对以低热值煤气为燃料的炉窑和锅炉节能改造的实例分析,讨论了高炉煤气、转炉煤气及混合煤气等低热值煤气的燃烧技术。

    Y analysing energy-saving transformation of low heat value gas burning furnace and kiln , this paper discusses the combustion technologies of low heat value gas such as blast furnace gas , converter gas and combination gas . etc.

  28. 分析了改烧中低热值煤制燃料气,对燃气轮机通流匹配、一级静叶金属温度以及高温叶片平均寿命的影响。

    Impacts on the throughflow matching , surface metal temperature of the first grade static blade , and also the average working lifetime of the high-temperature blade when the gas turbine is used for coal fuel gas is applied are analyzed .

  29. 研究的对象为低热值气体掺氢燃料发动机,采用台架试验研究的研究方法。

    The object of the research is low heating value gas mixed with hydrogen gas flue engine .