
  1. 本部分重点介绍了国内外专家学者在低碳经济与环境会计体系方面的研究现状,指出国内外在该方面取得的成就,同时将本文的研究思路及研究方法做了简略介绍。

    This part is mainly introduces the research status at home and abroad , pointing the achievement .

  2. 第零部分为引言。以环境问题越来越受到重视,低碳经济越来越受到人们推崇为背景,通过对理论与实践意义分析,阐述了低碳经济下环境会计体系的重要性。

    The zero part is the introduction , with the background of environmental problem being taken seriously and low carbon economics being valued , through analyzing the meaning of theory and practice , elaborates the importance of the environmental accounting system in low carbon economics .