
  • low cost expansion
  1. 依赖FDI和加工贸易的迅速增长,我国形成了低成本扩张的外向型经济增长模式。

    China economic growth pattern is based on low cost expansion based on rapid growth of FDI and processing trade .

  2. 矿山的低成本扩张和可持续发展

    Low Cost Expansion and Sustainable Development of Mines

  3. 通过连锁经营实现低成本扩张;

    Expanding the scale in low cost through the chain system ;

  4. 实行低成本扩张和品牌战略;

    Practise the expansion of low cost and brand strategy ;

  5. 认为资本运营就是低成本扩张;

    They think the capital operation is " expansion in low cost ";

  6. 企业低成本扩张战略的实证性研究

    An Empirical Study of Low-cost Expansion Strategy for Enterprise

  7. 二是实现低成本扩张;

    Secondly , to realize expansion with low cost .

  8. 阐述了山东晨鸣纸业集团实施资产重组、低成本扩张的三种形式。

    The paper introduces three forms of asset reorganization and low cost extension in Chenming Group .

  9. 通过人才优化组合,达到人力资本低成本扩张。

    Through the optimization of talents structure , the cost of human resources extension can be lowered .

  10. 抓大不放小,实行低成本扩张战略;

    To attach importance to all matters , big or small , and adopt the low cost expansion strategy ;

  11. 企业并购可以使企业进行低成本扩张,在短期内迅速壮大和成长。

    Mergers and acquisitions will enable enterprises to cost-effective expansion , in the short term the rapid growth and growth .

  12. 市场的低迷期,即是抢滩市场的良机,最容易实现低成本扩张。

    The market downturn phase , that is landing the market opportunity , the most easy to implement low-cost expansion .

  13. 低成本扩张是时下非常时髦的名词,也是所有大公司成长壮大非常有效的战略之一。

    Low cost expansion is currently a very popular wording , and also one of very effective strategies for grown-up of all major companies .

  14. 指出了滚动发展、低成本扩张是加快我国高浓度磷复肥发展的一条成功之路。最后对今后工作提出了六点建议。

    A suitable method for China , rolling development and low cost expansion , is pointed out and six suggestions are put forward by the author .

  15. 企业运用资本运营可以实现低成本扩张或收缩战略,而通过多元化经营可以为企业寻求新的发展方向和实现规模经济。

    The capital transaction is a short cut to expanding or shrinking business at low cost , and the diversification can orientate new businesses and realize scale economy .

  16. 并购作为实现企业快速成长和低成本扩张的重要方式之一,在现代经济中已经起着越来越重要的作用。

    The corporate merger and acquisition as realization one of important ways of enterprise fast growth and low cost expansion , in modern economy has taken more and more important role .

  17. 其中不乏有成功的例子,如海尔、青岛啤酒等大型企业就通过大规模的并购、进行低成本扩张,在短短几年间迅速发展壮大起来。

    These think-tanks has successful examples such as haier , Qingdao beer and other large enterprises through massive m & a , low-cost expansion , in a few short years developing rapidly expand rise .

  18. 本文就低成本扩张过程中应注意的几个问题展开一些探讨,以期对企业运用这一战略时提供一些参考和借鉴。

    In this article , the author tries to hold a discussion on the issues to be addressed in the process of low cost expansion so as to provide some reference for the enterprise adopting this strategy .

  19. 企业可以选择低成本扩张的外部交易战略,通过并购使其优势得以充分地发挥,通过并购的方法获得一个进入其他领域的比较初步的基础。

    Low-cost expansion may be a choice for external exchange strategy , whereas merger can explore its potential advantages in a wilder prospective , for combination can assist enterprises enter a brand-new industrial field with primary foundations .

  20. 它对盘活国有存量资产,实现优势企业低成本扩张,促进社会经济结构、产业结构、产品结构调整,有着十分重要的作用。

    Merger and annexation plays an important role in vitalizing the national stock capital , realizing the low-cost enlargement for advantageous enterprises , and motivating the modification for social economic structure , industrial structure and product structure .

  21. 它适合了现代化生产和消费变化的客观要求,通过低成本扩张实现规模化经营,通过标准化服务实现科学化管理,是一种高效率的经营方式。

    It is suitable for objective requirement of modern production and consumption changing . And it is a highly efficient mode of operation to achieve scale operation by low cost expansion and scientific management by standard services .

  22. 本文从连锁企业所具有先进的组织结构、经营管理制度和低成本扩张机理,探索连锁企业为何有如此强大而旺盛的生命力,及其规模扩张规律。

    In this paper the cause that chain enterprise has so powerful and vigorous vitality and the law in scale expansion is explored from the advanced organization structure , management system of operation and low cost expansion mechanism .

  23. 利用资本市场,实施资本运营战略,探讨了汽车企业如何运用资本市场,进行低成本扩张,优化资源配置以及如何在重组浪潮中运用好企业的资源问题。

    In the third strategy , some questions have been answered about how to operate the capital flow , how to optimize the resources and to expand with lower cost , and how to utilize the resources in the tide of the reestablish .

  24. 多元化发展的原则是以市场为导向,进行低成本扩张,减少经营的波动,坚持七搞八不搞。

    In the pluralistic developing principle , the market is the guide , costs must be brought down , the undulation of management must be avoided and the principle of " seven do 's and eight don 't 's " must be stuck to .

  25. 企业并购是企业实现低成本扩张的一种主要方式,并购风险的客观存在往往使企业并购未能实现预期目标,造成了种种并购失败。

    The M A of the enterprises is a main mode for realizing the low-cost expansion , and the objective existence of the M A risks makes often the prospective targets of the M A fail to be realized and cause various failures of the M A.

  26. 基于上述架构,提出了全球化跨地域无限加盟电子商务新模式,这种模式可以涵盖目前公认的B2C,B2B和C2C三种传统交易模式,并支持低成本异地扩张。

    Finally , the New Mode of Trans-Regional Infinite Joining E-commerce based on the Trans-Regional Distributed E-commerce System Architecture is proposed , which can be accepted to cover the three traditional transaction modes of B2C , B2B and C2C and to support expansion with low-cost anywhere .

  27. 但商业特许经营能将特许人的经营模式和被特许人的资金有效结合,实现规模化、低成本迅速扩张。

    However , franchise is capable to combine commercial model and capital together , realizing scale and low-cost expansion .

  28. 如何解决私营企业发展中存在的问题,实现私营企业的低成本快速扩张呢?

    How to solve the existing problems in the development of the private enterprise in order to achieve its low cost and fast expansion ?

  29. 它能使企业采用低成本快速扩张,开辟新的资金渠道、快速获得店铺资源、提升企业品牌价值。

    It can lead enterprises expand fast in a low-cost way , pioneer new fund channels , obtain store resources , upgrade brand value .

  30. 实际上,目前中国己有部分优势企业成功地通过合并手段,实现了企业低成本快速扩张。

    In fact , there is already a lot of advantage enterprises in China that successfully pass merger means , and realizes low cost fast expansion .