
  • 网络Low Carbon Strategy
  1. 低碳战略已成为全球经济转型和社会发展的共识,低碳交通渐渐成为城市可持续发展的趋势。

    Low carbon strategy has become a global transformation of the economic and social development of the consensus , Low carbon traffic has gradually become urban sustainable development trend .

  2. 而基于平衡计分卡(BSC)的低碳战略执行与企业社会责任关系的实证研究尚未发现,相关的文献资料也较少,这对本文深入研究这一课题提供了巨大的空间。

    But the empirical studies of the low-carbon strategy implementation based on Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) and Corporate Social Responsibility have not been found , relevant literature is also less , it provide a huge space to research on the subject of this paper in-depth .

  3. 各大洗衣机品牌都积极推行低碳战略。

    All washer brands are actively pushing out LC strategy .

  4. 在这样的大环境,企业的低碳绿色战略即将成为主流战略。在全球和中国饮料生产设备市场上,X机械设备制造有限公司在过去几十年内一直都是市场的领导者。

    In this atmosphere , Low-carbon & green strategy will become a key and mainstream strategy . X Beverage Machinery Co. , Ltd is the market leader in the past years of worldwide market including china market .

  5. 英国低碳能源战略白皮书及对我国的启示

    The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan and Some Revelations to China

  6. 对石油企业低碳发展战略及财税政策保障的思考

    Consideration on strategies for a low carbon oil industry and tax policy safeguards

  7. 因此,世界各国都着手进行温室气体减排、低碳发展战略等研究和实践工作。

    Therefore , all countries are embarked on greenhouse gas emissions , low carbon development strategy research and practice work .

  8. 非附件一缔约方可提议部门排放量绝对阈值,作为其低碳发展战略的一部分。

    Parties not included in Annex I may propose absolute sectoral emission thresholds , as part of their low-carbon development strategy .

  9. 对于中国而言,机遇与挑战并存,需要尽快尽早制定国家级的低碳发展战略。

    Facing new opportunities as well as challenges , China needs to develop a low-carbon development strategy at national level as soon as possible .

  10. 风力发电作为一种清洁的电力供应形式,对优化我国能源结构,实施低碳经济战略具有重要意义。

    As a clean power supply form , wind power has been significant to optimize the energy structure and implement the low-carbon economy strategy for our country .

  11. 国际复兴开发银行的资助还正在帮助博茨瓦纳制定一个完善的低碳增长战略,加强能源部门的管理技能,和建立一个新的独立的电力管理机构。

    IBRD financing also is helping Botswana prepare a robust low-carbon growth strategy , strengthen management skills in the power sector , and establish a new independent electricity regulator .

  12. 作为回应,世行集团在巴厘岛提出低碳增长战略,同时计划大幅增加对国际社会的援助,一同处理气候变化问题。

    In response , the World Bank Group is bringing its low-carbon growth message to Bali , along with a plan to significantly step up assistance to international efforts to address climate change .

  13. 基于MFA分析下的低碳经济发展战略

    Strategies for Low-Carbon Economy Development by Using MFA

  14. 全球气候变暖的趋势下,西方发达国家纷纷推出低碳经济发展战略与政策。

    Under the trend of global warming , the Western developed countries have introduced a low-carbon economic development strategies and policies .

  15. 通过实施低碳经济发展战略,从政府到社区,从居民到游客,都自觉的注意低碳环保。

    Through the implementation of " low carbon economy " development strategy , Government , community , residents , visitors , all have conscious of low-carbon for environment .

  16. 我们在技术转让、与客户共同实施低碳式增长战略,以及巩固卫生系统方面发挥着举足轻重的作用,而且我们正在努力提高自身的相关服务水平。

    We can play a key role in technology transfer , working with clients on low carbon growth strategies , and in strengthening health systems where we are now scaling-up our work .

  17. 目前主要发达国家都将发展低碳经济作为战略目标,围绕产业低碳化创新使用了碳税、碳排放交易、碳基金等规制手段,并取得了显著的成果。

    At present , the developed countries consider developing low-carbon economy as a strategic objective , make use of regulatory instruments around low-carbon technology innovation such as carbon taxes , carbon emissions trading , carbon funds , and have obtained significant effects .

  18. 目前我国经济发展与资源短缺矛盾日益加剧,为实现节能减排、发展低碳经济的战略部署,新型节能节水技术亟待在工业生产中推广应用。

    At present , the contradiction between economic development and the shortage of resources is growing in our country . To achieve the strategic plan of energy conservation and low carbon economy , the new energy saving technology needs to be widely applied in industrial production .

  19. 论低碳特区建设的战略及意义&以粤北河源为例

    On the Strategic Significance of Building Low-carbon Special Zones & With Heyuan City as an Example

  20. 面对全球气候变暖和能源危机的双重挑战,我国制定了发展低碳经济、建设低碳社会的发展战略,节能减排理念正逐步融入到社会建设的各个方面。

    To face the dual challenge of global warming and energy crisis , China has formulated a national development strategy of developing low-carbon economy and building a low-carbon society , the energy-saving concept is gradually integrated into the various aspects of social construction .

  21. 随着低碳技术日益成为经济发展的核心产业,美国早已将控制低碳技术作为头号战略利益。

    With low carbon technology becomes the core industrial economic development , the United States had control of low carbon technology as the top strategic interests .

  22. 总结了建设寒地校园低碳建筑面临的机遇与挑战,论述建筑师面对解决全球环境问题所承担责任的思考,提出在我国寒地地区如何发展低碳校园建筑的战略对策和建议。

    Summarize the opportunities and challenges , explain the responsibility when architect facing global environmental issues , and finally bring forward the strategic countermeasures and suggestions of developing low-carbon campus in cold region .