
  • 网络carry trade;Arbitrage;arbitrage trading;interest arbitrage
  1. 本次研究利用长时间的农产品期货投资实践及油厂现货购销工作经验,结合MBA的专业课程,对豆类期货套利交易实例策略进行分析及总结归纳。

    This essay is based on my long time research and practice on agriculture products futures investment and the edible oil products sales experience , along with learning on MBA course , gives the analysis and summary to beans futures arbitrage strategy .

  2. 套利交易只是投机交易的综合和复杂形式,套利者依然归属于投机者。

    The arbitrage is just an integrated and complex form of speculation trade , an advanced stage of speculation trade .

  3. 全球金融市场也存在类似的情况,比如前几年我们讨论比较多的套利交易(carrytrade)。

    Similar things exist in the global financial market , for example , carry trade , which we discussed quite too often several years ago .

  4. 毫无疑问,美联储(fed)基本上承诺将无限期保持低政策利率后,就出现了明显的套利交易。

    There is no question that an obvious carry trade emerged once the Federal Reserve more-or-less promised to keep policy rates low indefinitely .

  5. 其他商品对冲基金管理人,包括伦敦的BlueGoldCapitalManagement在内,都认为有必要回归套利交易(又称相对价值交易)模式。

    The need to return to arbitrage trading or relative value is shared by other commodities hedge fund managers including London-based BlueGold Capital Management .

  6. 若是这么说,来自德意志银行(deutschebank)的研究显示,套利交易已经超前回到了2006年时的水平,而股票的表现落后了三年。

    In that case , according to Deutsche Bank , carry trades have got ahead of themselves , returning to 2006 levels whereas equities trail three years behind .

  7. 当前各类产品市场的竞争比以往任何时候都激烈,同时日元汇率自套利交易(carrytrade)消失以来不断走强套利交易在日元被视为廉价融资工具时期极为盛行。

    This is at a time when competition in all product markets has never been stronger and Japan is coping with a currency that has strengthened since the disappearance of the carry trades that flourished when the yen was seen as a cheap funding vehicle .

  8. 投资者觉得,十国集团(G10)成员国央行不准备调整利率,以降低套利交易的吸引力。

    Investors feel G10 central banks are not prepared to change interest rates to make carry trades less attractive .

  9. 汇丰银行(hsbc)的罗伯特林奇(robertlynch)表示,受此鼓舞的投资者重新展开套利交易,卖出美元等低收益货币,为购买其它地区收益率较高的资产提供资金。

    Robert Lynch , of HSBC , said that prompted investors to move back into carry trades , in which low-yielding currencies such as the dollar are sold to fund the purchase of higher yielding assets elsewhere .

  10. 似乎到大约去年11月下旬的时候,套利交易就已被排挤在金融体系之外&当时,VIX指数和日元不再联袂攀升。

    The carry trade appears to have been squeezed out of the system by about late November , when the yen and the Vix halted their joint ascent .

  11. 西莫塔斯(PhilipSimotas)在专门投资汇市的对冲基金FXConcepts担任总裁,他说,美元正在遭遇同样的命运,美元是融资套利交易的理想借入货币。

    ' It 's one thing that 's working against the dollar , 'said Philip Simotas , president of FX Concepts , a currency-focused hedge fund . 'It 's a great currency to fund out of .

  12. 不过,银行曾利用上一回的1年期LTRO从事利润丰厚的套利交易&利用欧洲央行的低息贷款去购买收益率更高的政府债券。

    But banks used previous one-year LTROs to engage in a profitable carry trade – taking the cheap ECB loans to buy higher-yielding government bonds .

  13. 日本央行称日元需加息保障经济稳定日本央行(BOJ)行长福井俊彦(ToshihikoFukui)昨日阐明了日本需要逐步加息的理由,并警告称,如果利率持续保持低位,可能会加剧日元套利交易,并危及日本经济的稳定。

    Japan 's central bank governor yesterday made the case for a gradual increase in interest rates , warning that keeping rates low could fuel the so-called yen carry trade and destabilise the country 's economy .

  14. 自7月之后,随着投资者撤出风险投资,他们开始解除部分所谓的日元套利交易(carry-trade)头寸。

    Before July , when investors began to reverse some so-called yen carry-trade positions amid a retreat from risk , the Japanese currency had been trading at above Y120 to the dollar .

  15. 你知道如何进行套利交易?

    Do you know how to make money with arbitrage trading ?

  16. 套利交易是一种随其它泡沫共同增长的泡沫。

    Carry was a bubble that grew with all the other bubbles .

  17. 其背后的一个原因是全球套利交易的模式正在发生变化。

    One reason is the changing pattern of the global carry trade .

  18. 日元套利交易强劲复苏。

    The yen carry trade is back with a vengeance .

  19. 日元套利交易及其对日本宏观经济的影响

    A Study of Yen Carry Trade and Its Effects on Japan 's Macro-economy

  20. 指数期货套利交易策略设计

    The Strategic Design for Trading Stock Index Future Arbitrage

  21. 股指期货套利交易机制研究及实证分析

    A Study on the Arbitrage Mechanism and Empirical Tests of Stock Index Futures

  22. 进行股票的套利交易。

    Practice arbitrage , as of stocks .

  23. 为什么套利交易会再度流行?

    Why are carry trades hot again ?

  24. 套利交易似乎正重返汇市。

    Carry trading is supposedly back .

  25. 他在股票交易中发了财.进行股票的套利交易。

    He made a fortune on the stock market . practice arbitrage , as of stocks .

  26. 本文以沪深300指数期货为研究对象,主要讨论了股指期货的套利交易。

    This article mainly discussed the arbitrage of stock index futures based on SSE 300 index .

  27. 本文结合沪深300股指期货,重点探讨股指期货的套利交易策略。

    This paper is focused on the arbitrage strategies of the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 SIF .

  28. 其次,本文还重点研究了股指期货的定价与套利交易。

    Second , this paper has also studied the pricing and arbitrage of stock index futures .

  29. 所以出现了很多套利交易,造成了极不均衡的资金流动。

    So there were lots of carry trades and that has resulted in very skewed financial flows .

  30. 由此带来的结果是股票市场长期处于严重的信息不对称状态,首发限售股股东在一定程度上利用信息优势,进行套利交易,获取了高额收益。

    The result is that the stock market is in a serious long-term state of asymmetric information .