
  1. 联盟将与世界自然基金会(worldwildlifefund)一同努力,在珠江三角洲制造业中心开发低碳生产流程。

    With the World Wildlife Fund the group is working to develop low-carbon manufacturing processes in the Pearl River Delta manufacturing hub .

  2. 同时分析了铝业能够进行低碳生产的各个环节,并归纳了其低碳生产的发展模式。

    Also analyzed Aluminum able to carry out all aspects of production of low-carbon and summarizes the development of low-carbon production mode .

  3. 解决全球气候变暖问题的关键在于改变以牺牲环境为代价的粗放的生产方式,实行低碳生产。

    The key to solve globe warming is to change the extensive modes of production at the cost of the environment to low-carbon production .

  4. 因此,以低碳生产意愿与行为为研究视角,着力分析影响工业出口企业低碳生产意愿与行为的主要因素是非常有价值的。

    Therefore , to analyze the main factors which influence both the willingness and behavior of low-carbon production of those exporting manufacturers will be very valuable .

  5. 第二部分是氧化铝低碳生产相关理论基础,包括氧化铝的生产方法、工艺流程,低碳生产的内涵,低碳生产水平的度量以及具体到氧化铝低碳生产的内容。

    Including alumina production methods , technological process , the connotation of low-carbon production , low-carbon production level measurements and the contents of low carbon production of alumina specifically .

  6. 影响工业出口企业低碳生产意愿的因素为:企业管理者的特征、企业规模特征、企业市场特征、企业能源特征和外部环境。

    Main factors influenced the willingness and behavior of low-carbon production of exporting manufacturers are the characteristics of top managers , scale , features of market , energy utilization and the external pressures .

  7. 东北必须敢于面对压力和挑战,努力实现低碳生产和低碳消费,节能减排,让东北振兴在低碳高增长中再现辉煌。

    The northeast should dare to face the challenge and pressure , endeavor to accomplish low-carbon Consumption and Production , Energy Conservation and carbon emission reduction , and make the northeast become resplendence again by high growth and low-carbon .

  8. 若将本分析模型运用于低碳生产管理信息系统中,就可以随时为决策者进行决策提供一套有用的分析方法,并提供较为准确快速的评价结果。

    It shows that this assessing model can achieve satisfying evaluating results . If this analyzing model is applied in the management information system of low-carbon production , it can provide a useful analyzing method for the decision-makers at any time .

  9. 本文以机械制造企业为研究对象,分析了机械制造企业低碳生产的现状,总结了机械制造企业能源消耗量大,低碳减排潜力大等特点。

    This paper based on the machinery manufacturing as the research object and analyzed its current situation of low-carbon production . Then , it was found that the energy consumption of machinery manufacturing enterprises and the potential in reducing carbon emission was huge .

  10. 分析发现该电解铝低碳生产项目具有良好的综合效益,投资前景可观,为类似电解铝项目综合成本效益分析提供了参考指南。

    We find that this electrolytic aluminium low-carbon production project has good comprehensive benefit . It has bright investment prospect . The analysis framework of this paper also provides reference for the comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of other similar electrolytic aluminium low-carbon production projects .

  11. 碳排放权交易不仅有效地促进了各国节能减排工作的开展,激励企业开展低碳生产,还为国家和企业带来了巨额收益。

    The carbon emissions trading promotes the development of energy conservation and emissions reduction usefully for all countries , incentives enterprise carry out its low carbon production and consumption independently , The carbon emissions trading also bring about huge profit for country and enterprise .

  12. 由于人们对能源危机的认识和环保意识的不断提高,全球都在寻求最佳的低碳生产、生活方式。在工程机械方面,特别是对挖掘机的节能研究已成为极具发展前景的课题。

    Because of the increasing awareness of global energy crisis and environmental protection , human beings are looking for low-carbon production and lifestyles . Hence , especially for hydraulic excavator , how to improve the energy-saving efficiency of the construction machinery is of higher development potential project .

  13. 随着我国工业现代化的不断进步,因为铝材的应用广泛性,铝行业企业的发展占据至关重要的地位,而实现铝业的低碳生产也将为我国工业低碳生产起到关键作用。

    With the development of the industrial modernization in our country and the widely used of the Aluminum , the Aluminum industry occupied a very important position in the economic development , so its low carbon production also played a key role for our whole country industrial low carbon production .

  14. 中国将加强生态文明建设,加快调整优化产业结构、能源结构,倡导绿色低碳的生产生活方式。

    It will do more on the ecological front , by transforming and improving its industrial structure and energy mix at a faster pace and promoting a green , low-carbon way of life and production .

  15. 氩氧精炼低碳铬铁生产过程DCS控制系统及实现中的相关问题。

    Development of low carbon ferrochrome production of argon oxygen refining process of implementation of DCS control systems and related issues .

  16. 超低碳贝氏体钢生产概述

    Brief introduction of the production of ultra-low carbon bainite steel

  17. 基于化学平衡和渣相图的中、低碳锰铁生产工艺物料平衡计算

    The calculation of material balance of medium-low carbon ferromanganese production technology based on chemical balance and slag phase diagram

  18. 结果发现调查地是低碳农业生产基地的发展状况具备两个明显的特点:一是较低参与率;二是较低的收入额。

    Study finds that the production base which low carbon agricultural develop with two distinct characteristics : one is lower participation rate ; the other is lower revenues .

  19. 为降低碳含量,在低碳锰铁生产过程中,通过提高锰硅合金中硅含量([Si]%>25%),减少外部增碳以及采用低碱度操作等措施,得到了理想的低碳锰铁生产工艺。

    To reduce carbon content , taking the following measures such as increasing silicon conlent ( [ Si ] % > 25 % ) in silicomanganese , reducing outside carbon content , operating in low basicity in smelting low carbon ferromanganese etc. can achieve ideal process .

  20. 700MPa级低碳贝氏体钢的生产实践

    Production practice of 700 MPa grade low carbon bainitic steel

  21. 低碳烯烃的生产技术进展

    Progress in Production Techniques of Lower Olefins

  22. 出于对碳排放的担忧,西方开发机构拒绝为一个利用巴基斯坦塔尔煤矿藏来进行低碳天然气生产和发电的项目融资。

    Western development agencies have refused to finance a project to use Pakistan 's Thar coal deposits for low-carbon natural gas production and electricity generation because of concerns over carbon emissions .

  23. 综述了低碳烯烃的各种生产技术及其进展,详细介绍了石脑油和重质油裂解生产低碳烯烃技术、天然气制取低碳烯烃技术中的MTO技术和烃转化技术。

    The production techniques of lower olefins including the techniques using naphtha , heavy oil and natural gas as raw materials were reviewed .

  24. 转炉冶炼低碳低硅钢的生产实践

    Practice of Refining Low Carbon Low Silicon Steel With Converter

  25. 超低碳不锈钢三角丝生产工艺研究

    The Research on Super Low Carbon Stainless Triangular Steel Wire Production Technology

  26. 并扼要介绍了本厂低磷微碳铬铁生产情况。

    The production of low phosphor ferrochromium at Shanghai ferroalloy works is briefly introduced .

  27. 低碳弹簧钢的生产与研究

    Production and study of low carbon spring steel

  28. 面对国际贸易的绿色壁垒,低碳经济和清洁生产势在必行。

    Faced with the " green barriers " in international trade , " low-carbon economy " and " clean production " are becoming more and more imperative .

  29. 最后我们结合实证结果,从提高企业研发投入、大力发展低碳经济和发展生产性服务业三个方面提出了对策建议。

    Finally based on the empirical results , we propose countermeasures from three aspects , including improving enterprise R & D investment , developing low carbon economy and producer service industry .

  30. 为奥贝低碳球铁最佳生产工艺的稳定提供理论指导,从而实现奥贝低碳球铁组织性能控制和材料设计的目的。

    All these researches have provided the academic guidance to the best manufacturing technics of AB low-carbon ductile iron , and to the purpose of microstructure and properties controlling and material designing of AB low-carbon ductile iron .